Are You Still Living on Flat Earth?

Yo badass.

Already smirking, aren’t you?

Let’s take a quick dive into history:

There was a time, not too long ago, when everyone believed the earth was flat.

No one talked about it.

No one questioned it.

They just accepted—

The world was flat.


Because of this belief, there was little exploration, and people lived in fear of falling off the edge.

Then, at some point, it was proven that the earth was round.

It shook the world to its core.

Suddenly, the rules were completely different.

You could sail west and eventually return to the same spot.

You could travel to faraway places without the fear of falling off.

Everything changed.

Ideas about the world flipped, and new discoveries were made.

In simple terms:

The entire world transformed.

Here’s the point:

The belief in a “flat world” held people back.

Chances are, you have a similar belief holding you back too.

Maybe you’ve clung to this belief so tightly that it’s become your excuse for not getting the results you want.

“I’m just not good-looking.” “I don’t have any talent.” “I’m unlucky—plain and simple.”

You don’t even question this belief.

You just accept it.

But what if one day, you’re 60 years old, lying on your deathbed, and God shows you the truth?

That all along,

You WERE attractive. You DID have talent. And luck was waiting for you the whole time.

Crazy, right?

It’s almost laughable that people once thought the earth was flat.

But now, look at your own life.

What are the beliefs you’re holding onto without question?

What if you stopped living on flat earth and dared to believe the earth is round?

What if you just gave it a shot?