Debunking a misconception

Hey Brother,

Let me share a tale that sheds light on a common misconception in the realm of texting and dating. It's a story about an acquaintance of mine, who fancied himself an expert in the art of texting women. He was adamant about one rule: "NEVER DOUBLE-TEXT A GIRL."

Now, this advice is as old as the digital age itself. Countless men have abided by it, fearing they might appear too eager or, worse, needy. But let me tell you, my friend, there's more to this story than meets the eye.

Enter Jean and Rider, two of my seasoned buddies with a combined lay count that could make your head spin. When they heard about this so-called rule, they couldn't help but chuckle.

Rider, with his impressive track record, confessed to quadruple-texting girls without a second thought. Meanwhile, Jean, a master of the dating game, admitted that double-texting was practically second nature to him.

Here's the kicker: they're not alone. In fact, I encourage my clients to embrace the double-text. Why? Because in the fast-paced world of modern dating, timing is everything.

Imagine this: You reach out to a potential lead in sales. They express interest, but before you can seal the deal, they get distracted or simply forget to respond. Would you just sit back and hope for the best, adhering to some arbitrary rule about not following up?

Of course not.

You'd persist. You'd send another message, maybe even a few more, because you understand that persistence pays off. The same principle applies to dating.

Here's the truth: If a girl doesn't respond to your initial text, it doesn't mean she's not interested. Maybe she got busy, maybe she forgot, or maybe she's just waiting for you to make the next move. By doubling down on your efforts and following up, you're not being needy; you're being proactive.

So, while others waste time worrying about appearing too eager, you'll be out there making things happen. Because let's face it, my friend: In the grand scheme of things, a missed text is nothing more than a blip on the radar.

So, go ahead, embrace the double-text. Be the guy who takes control of his dating destiny and doesn't let outdated rules hold him back.

Your success awaits.

Until next time