Esoteric post

Hey, Brother

Are you a pessimist or you just can't stop yourself from saying negative words then this email is for you.

The words we speak are not mere utterances as they carry lasting frequency within the Ether. Often we are negligent in our speech not realizing the profound impact in them. However, our consistent spoken words play a huge role in shaping our state of being and serving as a mirror to our inner world. Most people are unaware of the power their words hold, casually saying negative words without any worry about the consequences

If you keep on saying negative things about your life and being, you will only attract these negatives as these words will permeate the ether and influence the subconscious.

The subconscious mind is impartial to what we perceive as good and evil for ourselves and faithfully fulfills all that we express and believe to be true. Consequently, these words we speak will shape our reality.

Neville Goddard's concept of the law of assumption forms the foundation of this principle. Our spoken words unveil our conscious assumptions and these very assumptions materialize in our daily experiences.

Observe your words closely and see how accurately they manifest in the world around us.

"As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment" - Joseph Murphy

So if you keep speaking about a particular condition or outcome or ailment then the chances of it manifesting itself to you will be more apparent, for our subconscious mind operates without judgment.

When you decide with yourself to be a more well-grounded man then your subconscious mind will attentively heed your words and emotions.

Every word that resonates within you holds significance and finds expression in some form in one way or the other.

No matter the negative situation you are facing rather than cursing the day you were born, opt instead to use uplifting words.


I can win > I hope I can win

I will do amazingly > I will try my best

Which shows you the subtle difference between hope and deep trust in yourself.

By altering your words, you foster a deep sense of belief in yourself. A person, most times can reveal a lot about themselves serving as a mirror into their inner world and as an announcement to the world and their subconscious mind providing insight into their true self.

As for me, if you are a guy that tends to be negative then I will avoid you hence why you should exercise caution with your words not just with yourself but when with other people as nobody likes a pessimist.

Think back, to all the conversations you have had with different individuals and notice how significant words uttered can manifest.

Hence why brokies' conversation focuses on poverty and limitations while the rich conversation revolves around money and expansion. Hence why it is important to avoid snap judgment or any judgment towards any state of being whether in abundance or poverty as their apparent differences stem from their respective state of mind creating distinct worlds in their perception.

Hence the individual who wants to change his life must then refine his inner conversation by adopting a different way of speaking as Hermes Trismegistus said "Man is given the gift of speech and mind that makes him equal to the Immortals".

It implies that the words (whether negative or positive) we utter get sent into the ether and accumulate until a certain point which then influences the manifestations of events in our collective lives.

Watch your words, speak positively with conviction, and watch your world change.

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