Happy new year 🥂🥂


What a year it has been.

Crazy addictive highs and shocking frustrating lows.

I've grown a lot since Jan 1st of last year.

And I know you have too.

We are now in 2024 and it's only fair to tell you my lessons learned from 2023.

As I reflected upon 2023, here are my biggest lessons learned from another astounding year:

1. The importance of choosing the beliefs that fit the narrative that gives you more power even if they might be borderline delusional. The ability to reframe a situation to suit your narrative works but YOU have to BELIEVE in it.

2. LIE LOW, LIE LOW AND LIE LOW. Don't tell your plans to anyone, might sound cliche but it's a MUST. Shit like this got hater's eyes on me and even family members wanted me to fall despite it all, I'm here. Don't tell anyone what you do, your goals, how much you earn, and who you date. LIE LOW BROTHER.

3. Lack of momentum and consistency can derail your progress. Tbh, I haven't been that consistent with my Twitter handle and it showed in terms of how many followers I lost, cash lost and the likes to the point of affecting my business in real life. Having momentum is key and you want to be consistent to build the snowball effect.

4. Everything in life is rented. The rent is due every day so you have to show gratitude by putting in EFFORT.

5. Only go for the women who are interested in you and do not lose self-respect over a woman. This extends beyond just women.

6. The quicker you learn, the faster you earn and to learn quickly, you have to put in more hours as more hours = better results. It is that SIMPLE.

7. Less is more. Instead of looking to add more crap and bullshit in your life, why not start cutting out the crap and bullshit in your life now. The toxic friends, the limiting beliefs, the procrastination, the subpar work ethics, etc.

8. God is on your side and will give you EVERYTHING you want if only you keep taking action.

9. Cherish loved ones cause TIME flies by and they might not be around for long.

10. Love just happens, it's beautiful when it comes (even if it is only for a short while) but don't force it to stay if its flame has burnt past its limits. This is the key to getting a woman's love.


• Have a clearly defined vision for your life from now on. What your daily life will look like? How do you plan to set up your life to bring you more WOMEN, MONEY, AND EXPERIENCES? Everything that you do in your life should serve a purpose. Hope you smash 2024.

What have been your GREATEST lessons in 2023?

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