(how I do it)

Hey Brother,

Every girl has a slightly different level of communication. Some girls will text you a lot. The girls that try to blow up your phone and text you a lot. My advice is not to respond instantly cause if you both are engaged in this never-ending text sequence then it's not a good way to get her to want to see you physically.

For me, any time a girl texts me and I'm free then it's easy for me to respond to her cause I'm genuinely busy, and most times I don't have my phone on me (not the kind of busy where you are with your phone but counting down the clock to 20 mins just so you can text her back, you dork).

And I will do it quickly cause I don't have a problem responding to a girl quickly as long as she catches me at the right time then I'm good.

Say a girl texts me and I'm free then I text back quickly then she texts again and I'm busy then I will text her back when I'm done with my work which could be a few hours.

Its impossible to text me all day every day cause I'm always busy which is why I recommend for you guys, "be busy with your work" That's why voice messages are key here cause she might not hear from me the whole day and re-engaging her with a "Hey, sorry I was busy with work" is not going to suffice but if I send a 30-60 secs voice message talking about what happened throughout my day which we would have probably talked about through text.

So if I and the girl don't text throughout the whole day, I will rather send her a voice message later on in the evening simply talking about my day, and any interesting thing that happened, and then frame it back to her by asking about how her day went.

I'm not a big fan of that back-and-forth kind of text, It drives me mental so I prefer to use a voice message instead and the thing is if you let her take you on this back-and-forth kind of text then the conversation will go stale and then it's hard to set up a date or shit like that. 3 days tops are all she needs to become sick of you cause that back-and-forth text at some point won't make her feel good about you anymore.

Shit, I don't even do this with my girl, sure we could text back and forth for 2 mins tops then I'm off.

Here is a tip for you, Ser:

When I send a voice message, sometimes the girls will text back and sometimes they will send a voice message so I will send a voice message back acknowledging what she said, add some juice to it then I will conclude by saying "So I'm getting ready for bed so I will do my night routine, read a book then hit the hay cause I got an early start tomorrow, got this project I got to finish early tomorrow but I'm glad you had a good day, let's catch up sometime soon and I don't know what your week is looking like but maybe we can hop on a free phone call at some point and just catch up". I usually do something like this at the end of the voice message.

You can also do this on dating apps when after a little back-and-forth texting, you start sending voice messages then conclude with asking about her schedule and if she would want to hop on a phone call with you.

Usually, she will say "Yes, that sounds good, here's my number" or "Yes, that sounds good, I'll be down for a phone call".

So I go from voice messages - to phone calls - to getting her on a date.

I use the phone call to get her on a date. I do the voice calls once or twice a week-ish. Texting will be hmm 2-4x/week then meeting will be once a week but this can increase as you both get to know each other more and I've noticed that certain girls will push for the phone call cause you guys have built up this vibe.

Sometimes my voice message could go as long as 3+ mins and chicks still dig that surprisingly 😄. The reason ofc is the fact that I usually tell an interesting story about what happened in my day (whenever something interesting happens) and then ask about her day.

Stories I tell tend to be emotionally driven cause it works more with women, stories like how I helped a homeless guy or saved a dog or things like that even to the point of shit I did at a party just make sure it's something interesting.

You want to acknowledge the fact that it is a long voice message so I usually say "Yo, I know this is a long story and I didn't mean for it to be this long but ya, that's how my day went so I'm curious how is your happy (day of the week) going?"

The thing I like about this is I don't have to do any communication for that day. If the girl vibes with you then she will dig that and as long as your vibes and charisma are right then you good bruv.

The voice message gives the girl the chance to learn a little bit about you as a person and gives her insight into your mindset, your day, and your life and thus she will feel more connected to me after hearing the voice message if she already likes me. This shit is powerful, I kid you not bruv.

Don't be a dork and send a voice message like that to a girl you just met. it should be sent to a girl that you have been talking to.

Now if you are not that confident, I will advise that you don't send a crazy long voice message just yet, you can instead start with something short and sweet.

Something like "Hey happy Monday, hope you are doing good, just walked out of the gym after a killer workout and yours truly is heading home to cook dinner, today's been a good day to blow off some steam so what's up with you, how is your day going? do anything fun?"

Notice that both voice messages have different vibes to them. One of the voice messages is story-driven and getting her to know you while the other is kind of like checking in on her.

Which one will you send, MOS?

Well, it depends on my mood and the best part is you could use the same story messages or checking in messages with different girls if you wanted to. Honestly, I don't do that, I simply tell it as it is since my daily routine is filled with activities that will be attractive to a girl, something that demonstrates high value (DHV).

Not every day will be productive but as long as you talk about your day positively and optimistically then you are good to go.

That will be all.

From your bruv, friend, and mentor.