Let me explain

Hey Brrr,

A common mistake many "pickup" guys make...

Is misinterpreting the "preselection" concept: They think they need to appear like a player to the girl.

But even if you are dating a lot of chicks...

You want to downplay it when you talk about it.

Look at me - I'm an example of a guy who dates many girls: I'm sleeping with lots of girls at any given time...

BUT I show an image to girls that: I'm super busy with work all the time, I don't have much time for dating, and I only date one person at a time.


Girls don't want a guy who just wants to fck for the sake of fcking.

This goes against what a lot of guys think though - They think it's "cool" to seem like a player to a girl...

And while it's true that girls like guys who can f*ck a lot of chicks...

You don't want to flaunt this fact when you're meeting them.

That will make you come across as a d*ckhead.

It will bother her when she thinks about dating you.

And it could easily cause you to lose the girl.

That's an important nuance to this: Even if you don't say it outright...

Girls might get the "vibe" that you have access to a lot of girls.

And that's GOOD.

That's partially why I tell girls I'm a DJ - because it implies that DJs have access to many girls…

But when they ask me how many girls I date directly, I always downplay it to: “Oh, I'm really busy with work..."

"No, I'm usually in relationships..."

"I don't keep count of how many girls I've been with... but I've mostly just been in relationships.”

You want to give her generic, socially acceptable answers to these questions.

Even if they can tell just from how smooth you are that you sleep with a lot of girls...

I've honed my calibration and confidence with women so they can tell my game is extremely polished.

They end up thinking "This guy MUST get girls all the time."

And that's fine for them to think that.

I mean, you can't change how they perceive you...

But if they ask about it explicitly... you should still always downplay it.

Give her the "standard responses" if she asks how many partners you've had or when your last relationship ended: "I don't keep count" or "About 3 months ago."

Even if you don't have this problem yet because you don't have a lot of dating experience, this is something to keep in mind.

Because as you start to develop success using optimal strategy and systems...

You're going to end up sleeping with a lot of girls eventually.

And it's really just bad taste to be advertising it openly.

Remember: Coming off as a player fckboy is only a DHV to the girls who are also players and fckboys.

And if you'd like to date the beautiful women of your dreams so you can have an exciting dating life to "play down" to a girl in the first place...(Even if you're "intermediate" in the game but want to break through to advanced or elite level)...

My guide will help you to demolish your sticking points and exceed your expectations - so you can get the dating life you want most.

Click below to Get my guide - where you'll get a roadmap to your dream dating life: