How to do it like G

Hey Brother,

Let's talk about how you can maximize your status in a social environment where you know you're going to be there for several hours on end. This could be a group dinner, house party, wedding, or any environment where there is going to be a contained amount of people there for an extended period.

When you walk in and scan the room - you will not just start doing cold approaches. The very first thing you want to do is to go up and start talking to the people you already know. This is the easiest thing because they are most likely going to be with other people.

So you go on:

=> say "hi" to the people you know

=> Be loud

=> Good vibe

=> Good energy

=> Holding eye contact

=> Smiling

=> Have something to say (talk about how your day is going, how you are feeling right now, how excited you are about [activity] that is about to happen, how long it has been since you saw "said" person, ask them how they are doing)

Immediately after that, you should introduce yourself to the people in the surrounding area (near that person).

Even if those people are not talking to that person, you should still open them and use the fact that since you are opening your friend/acquaintance and that these people are near, you can open them.

That's why you need to open at a certain volume and have a good vibe and energy. If you're going through the crowd, very closed up and quiet, not smiling, awkward and not having a confident vibe when you are with your friend then when you turn to open up to someone else in the environment - they are not going to open and it's going to be like a cold approach at that moment which people won't be receptive to cause it will feel creepy and awkward.

The foundation of everything you are going to learn in today's email is about you:

=> Carrying yourself a certain way.

=> Talking at a certain volume with some animation and expression.

=> Look and walk in a certain way.

If you can't do these things then you'll have to adjust. Everyone can tweak the way they walk, talk, hold their composure, and change the volume they talk in.

Gotta stop speaking like a pipsqueak or you'll never be respected.

The first thing you want to do when you walk into a party is to check your "state" (your emotional state). You can do this by:

=> Pep-talking yourself into a positive "state" (even if you don't feel like it)

When you get into the venue, you should speak at a loud volume and the reason you do this is you putting good vibes and emotions into the environment when you do this - the people in the surrounding area will pick up on this, and some might join in on your conversations and you will be on most people's radar to some extent.

That way when they see you have good energy, enthusiasm, and vibes then it becomes easy to open them.

Remember this is not a cold approach cause we are in a contained environment (it's a different game). That's why it's so crucial you come in with those fundamentals I talked about cause going in with the right communication and an eccentric vibe, with the whole room becoming open.

No need for anything crazy!

Another thing you should do is pretend like your friend/acquaintance and a random person in your surrounding area are already friends. You are playing social connector and your friend doesn't necessarily have to know said someone but doing this gets you goodwill and people see you as someone that connects people. In this case, you ideally want to know at least more than one person at the venue but even if you know one person then you want to use said person as a starting point to socialize with other people.

This one principle applies in every other social setting. It's a kind of domino effect to it where you open one person with enthusiasm then the next until you open the whole venue.

This is how I'd run the beginning of the interaction in a social gathering.


Good question, if you don't know anyone in the entire environment then you need to open one person with good energy and vibes to kick-start the domino effect.

So you want to open someone in that venue and start talking to them by making observations or compliments about them/environment then they will respond. Get more engaged with them, good body language and start getting more dialogue in. What's most important is the vibe and energy with which you say it and not the observation which is just a vehicle to get you into the interaction giving us a reason why you could talk to them but the real thing that people respond to is the emotions backing the statement and this applies to anything.

Until next time

“Top G in Social Events”