Hey Brother,

Have you ever been with a girl that one minute she was all into you and the next minute she was acting all cold?

Well, how did you feel?

Confused and probably worried but the key emotion here was "it made you more interested to want to know her'.

Women play this game of mixed signals with men to make men chase them cause women don't want a boring man.

A boring man is predictable and consistent.

Women don't feel attraction to men who are too consistent.

To stir up her passion and lust, you must learn how to be inconsistent at the right times and send her mixed signals so that she is not entirely sure of your intentions.

Creating attraction is a blend of opposites, acting firm and flexible, attracted and aloof, interested and disengaged.

You want her to think that she has figured you out but no, she hasn't because there is something about you she still doesn't know yet.

So when you deliberately send her mixed signals, it will keep her in a state of confusion that is prerequisite for "long term attraction"

Some deliberate mixed signals:

- Acting aloof from time to time on a date. Go silent and ignore her occasionally.

- Show up unexpectedly after telling her you are busy and can’t see her

- Kiss her or hug her, then push her away to do something else.

- Tell her you like what she’s wearing, then change your mind on it later.

- Memorize her phone number, and make sure she knows you have. Then complain to have forgotten it and ask for it again later.

- Occasionally do things that are out of character, such as choosing a chick flick to go see, or go to an offbeat restaurant. Defy her expectations.

A note of warning ⚠️:

Be careful not to do this too frequently or too radically, or else you’ll start to look a little crazy.

Just every so often is enough to give things a healthy uncertainty.


Made of Steel