My Monday rant 🤣

Hey Brother,

One thing you should understand is that we all naturally overthink things so if you find yourself stuck in deep thoughts...

Snap the fuck out and start taking action.

It makes me more efficient.

Cause I snap out of thinking and focus on the things that truly matters, things that will actually lead to growth.

So much of your day is spend doing bullshit.

Think about it, if you knew exactly what you need to get done and you went straight for it, man. Your life would have been so much better.

Your character development would be so much stronger and who you would become as a man would be fast tracked but when you hang out with trash friends, eating junk food, filling your brain with drugs and alcohol, watching tv and focusing on social media.

You need to evaluate where you are going in your life and got to audit this in an unbiased way.

The problem with most of y'all is you don't have someone who can tell you this so thank God, I'm here to tell you this.

I've lost so many times that I get the message now which is never stop taking action.

It's dangerous to stop when you are consistently taking action and you got to do anything possible to stay on point.

If you follow me on Twitter, Telegram and substack then you are absolutely better than most men.

Look bruv, the competition is so low that you don't know how easy it is.

Think about it, you are in the nightclub and you see this guy who is better looking than you with a girl you wanted to approach.

So let's say she dates that guy but same guy is fucking up somewhere.

- He can't lead her.

- Too soft and complacent with her.

- Over-compromises

- He is weak

- Doesn't know how to keep her attraction long-term

I promise you he will lose the girl's attraction in the next 6-12 months cause he is not dialed in on the shit I talk about.

Just cause he looks bigger, taller and more good-looking than you, it doesn't matter.

Just be the guy who doesn't fucking quit and you will win.

If you give up then go hang out with the rest of the guys that gave up or with the dudes that never even tried.

The most proactive guys get all the money, girls and health while the guys that are passive get nothing and the guys that show up but not consistently can still win as long as they don't fully quit.

Besides...A Man Of Steel never gives up.

Until next time