
Hey Brother,

I once lived in a quaint suburban neighborhood, where families once lived and children played in the streets. But beneath the idyllic surface lies a grim reality – the buildings here are crumbling, the infrastructure deteriorating at an alarming rate.

A friend of mine Sarah, a construction expert, came visiting and surveyed the scene with a sense of foreboding. "If the city inspectors saw this," she remarks to me, "they'd condemn the buildings on the spot." She points out cracked archways and leaking gutters, warning of potential disaster if action isn't taken soon.

Sarah's words ring true when a powerful storm sweeps through the area the next day. The neglected buildings bear the brunt of the onslaught, with roofs collapsing and water pouring in through shattered windows. The once-vibrant neighborhood became a scene of devastation, as residents are forced to evacuate and seek shelter elsewhere.

Despite the danger posed by the crumbling structures, the local authorities seem unfazed. They talk of expanding development in the area, ignoring the pleas of concerned citizens who fear for their safety. It's a troubling situation, with no easy solution in sight so I made a run for it 😁

Those dumbasses!

Onee thing is clear – neglecting vital infrastructure can have catastrophic consequences.

But I've also seen this in a different domain which is RELATIONSHIPS. Men run their women same way those local authorities ran my old neighborhood.It's staggering how many parallels we can draw between the neglect we see around us and the way some approach relationships. Take, for example, the local authorities’ approach to maintaining buildings—it's akin to how some men treat their relationships with women.

Many men operate under the assumption that as long as the relationship is still intact, everything is fine. They ignore signs of decay and toxicity, brushing off their partner's dissatisfaction as unimportant. They assume that just by being present, they're doing enough. But in reality, they're neglecting the very foundation of their relationship.

When relationships crumble and women leave, men often claim they never saw it coming. But the truth is, the signs were there all along—they just chose not to see them. They dismissed the lack of communication, intimacy, and connection as insignificant, hoping to coast by on "good enough."

Yet, most women's complaints about men are well-founded. Many men are complacent, lacking in purpose and adventure. They fail to stimulate their partners intellectually and emotionally, leaving them bored and unfulfilled.

This lack of effort and engagement leads to a pervasive sense of stagnation—a malaise that infects modern relationships. But this stagnation isn't inevitable; it's a result of neglect.

Real men don't neglect their relationships or their own personal growth. They actively seek ways to improve and engage with their partners. They understand that maintaining a relationship requires care and effort.

But it's not just about demanding better treatment from your partner; it's about holding yourself to higher standards. Men who allow themselves to be disrespected and disconnected from their partners will inevitably find themselves in degraded relationships.

Change begins with taking responsibility for your actions and demeanor. It's about addressing the root causes of disconnect and disengagement, even if it means confronting your own shortcomings.

At first, your partner may resist change, but by demonstrating genuine effort and commitment, you'll earn their trust and respect. And if they refuse to change, you'll have the confidence to walk away, knowing you've done everything in your power to salvage the relationship.

Relationships aren't fairy tales—they require constant maintenance and effort. Neglecting your partner is akin to abuse. Take the responsibility of loving seriously, and you'll be rewarded with the authority and respect you deserve.

Until next time