
Hey Brother,

It appears the manosphere has reached a new conclusion: that success with women boils down to being wealthy, attractive, and holding frame. While this may attract women initially, it overlooks three critical issues:

1. Oversimplification: Just telling someone to "be interesting" and "hold frame" ignores the nuances of how to actually do so. It's akin to telling an out-of-shape person to simply lift weights or a financially struggling individual to start a successful business.

2. Ignoring Female Nature: Attracting an attractive woman is one thing, but finding one with character and avoiding red flags is entirely different. Many men end up in disastrous relationships because they fail to understand the women they're involved with.

3. Confusing Attraction with Long-Term Success: Attracting a woman is one thing; keeping her interested and committed is another. Looks and wealth may attract initially, but they don't necessarily lead to long-term fulfillment or a lasting relationship.

Many in the manosphere boast about their ability to attract young women, but true mastery lies in developing meaningful, long-lasting connections. My focus is on helping men who are genuinely humble and committed to achieving excellence in their love lives, not those who chase superficial relationships and end up disappointed.

Are you ready to move beyond surface-level attraction and develop genuine connections with women?

All the best,