New Po

Hi Bro,

These days, what used to be called 'game' is more about 'becoming' than 'creating a favorable impression.'

Let me explain.

Years ago, it was enough for a guy to learn some lines or 'routines' from the internet and say them to women in bars or nightclubs.

If he did this well, he would get dates, have girls go home with him, have friends with benefits, and even get girlfriends.

But that was around 2012.

Now, over a decade later, it's much harder to hide what you lack.

I don’t just mean money or material things.It's hard to hide if you're boring.

It's tough to pretend you have social skills when you don't.

And it's almost impossible to cover up if your body isn't in good shape compared to other men.

Back in 2012, there was competition too.

Women knew there were higher value men, but it wasn't as obvious because Instagram was new and dating apps were just starting.

These days, social media has completely changed the dating scene.

An average guy with some digitally acquired charm can no longer date a glamorous woman easily.

She will quickly leave him if she discovers he's not genuine.

I'm not saying you need to be super rich to attract women.

Many guys with modest means do very well.

But you DO need to be a man of substance.

Otherwise, she will see right through you.

But what does it mean to be a man of substance?

It includes many things, but you should definitely focus on these areas:

PHYSICAL FITNESS: This is essential. You don’t need to be huge, but aim for a slim waist and broad shoulders.

FINANCIAL MEANS: You don’t have to be a millionaire, but you should appear like a guy who has his life together.

Your actual wealth depends on the type of relationship you want.

For a short-term fling, you can get by with fancy dates.

For a long-term relationship or marriage, more financial stability is required.


Dress well to stand out without being too flashy.

Good dressing will put you ahead of most guys.

Avoid outdated styles like 'peacocking.'

SOCIAL DOMINANCE: Be confident and in control, respected by those around you.

Women are attracted to men who command respect, not shy wallflowers.

BE SEXUAL: Show that you are attracted to her without being crude.

It's normal to be physically attracted to a woman.

Don't hide your interest out of fear of rejection or appearing needy.

It's disingenuous to pretend you just want to be friends if you are interested in more.

FLIRTATION SKILLS (RIZZ): This is the game part and is self-explanatory.

If you work on these areas, you will become a man of substance.

Over time, you will need less 'game' because you will be—or be becoming—the real deal.

And that is what women actually want in 2024.

If you’re keen to change on this aspect of your life, then get my book "What Women Want" and you can take it from there.

Live the life you want, not the life you think you should.