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Hey brother,

I was nervous and fidgeting but Andrew was with me.

He asked me to approach a pretty girl that looked like a model.

I was nervous (believe me) and why shouldn't I be, after all, I'm not a pro in the Game.

So read the below conversation carefully 👇

Andrew: Just go meet her and get to know.

Me: Well easy for you to say, but I'm the one that will have to stick my neck out.

Andrew: Trust me, it's not going to be as bad as you are thinking.

Me: Ya, right.

Andrew: Alright, let's make a deal.

Me: OK, I'm all ears.

Andrew: If you approach her, I will give you two tickets to go see a movie with anyone you want but preferably that girl.

Me: Hmmm, fine. *Deep breaths* Let's do this.

I approached the girl, had a good vibe with her, and got her number.

Went back to meet Andrew after five minutes...

Andrew: So how was it?

Me: Well, surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Andrew: Here is the movie ticket.

Me: No, keep it.

Andrew: *smiles*

Me: You son of a b***, that was your plan all along, to use the movie tickets as a way to show me that approach is not that bad.

Andrew: "No, I did that to show you that it's all in your head."

That struck a chord in me...

He was right when it comes to rejection. It's all in your head.

Yes, no one likes to be rejected but think about how many times has a "no" devalued your life.

Since you have been told "no", have you died?

I don't know about you but I have heard more "no" than "yes" in my life and I'm probably sure it's the same for you.

Most guys are scared to talk to girls because they are thinking about the social consequences.

I'm like bro, what social consequences?

All these are part of the excuses you make because you are scared of rejection.

And who isn't but like Matthew 7:7 says (yes I'm quoting the bible 😂😂) "Ask and it shall be given unto you".

It's just how it is, you have to go and ask first.

Always ask, don't just sit there and conclude.

A "No" won't kill you but a "Yes" could change your life.

Think about how many girls you have seen (even me as well) that you were scared to approach because you didn't want to be rejected and now think about the awesome relationship you could been in, the sensational sex you could have had, and what it could have led to.

The key to success is just accumulating as many "Yes's" as you can and being emotionally detached from the "No's".

We are in December, the season of festivities, think about how many girls will be looking out for a man who can sweep them off their feet and go approach them.

Until next time