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HEY Brother,

I don’t feel sad.


I refuse to acknowledge that feeling.

Instead, I feel angry.

- Did your girlfriend leave you?

You can feel sad because you’ll miss her. Or, you can feel angry because she shouldn’t have left.

- Are you surrounded by toxic people (including family)?

You can feel sad because you have no power. Or, you can feel angry because you are powerless.

The same situation, but in one, you’re the victim; in the other, you are a victor.

All you have to do is use a different word to describe your current situation, and your body will respond by feeling that emotion.

"I'm sad" vs "I'm angry."

Just reading these words will make you feel different.

This is why the words you use create your reality.

I refuse to feel sad because sadness is a useless emotion.

I can’t do anything with sadness except drown in my own misery and destroy myself.

But anger?

I can work with anger.

Anger is powerful.

Anger can be used to build.

But sadness only destroys.

Sad men harm others and themselves.

Angry men build empires and create legacies.

Angry men who channel their anger become the greatest ever.

Keep growing.

The future holds incredible rewards for you and me.