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Hey Brother,

If you approach a girl and she says no to your approach, what happens next can shape your dating journey.

Let's break it down into two scenarios as how you handle rejection can make a big difference in what comes next for you:

Scenario #1: Feeling Crushed

Imagine you open a girl, and she reacts as if you've done something really wrong.

She might say, "Hey, I don't know you! Leave us alone!"

You try to act like it doesn't bother you, but inside, it hurts.

Everyone saw it, and you start to feel like you're not good enough compared to everyone else.

It feels like this rejection proves you're not meant to talk to attractive girls.

You start telling yourself stories about how you're not good enough.

Now, you expect every girl to reject you the same way.

When you see a pretty girl later on, you think you'll fail again.

This belief keeps swirling in your mind, making it come true.

You're too scared to talk to attractive strangers after that.

Years pass, and when you look back at your dating life, it hasn't progressed at all.

This happened because you took rejection too personally.

But things could have been different.

Scenario #2: Confidence

You approach the girl, just like before, and she reacts similarly, saying, "Hey, I don't even know you! Leave us alone!"

But instead of feeling down, you relax and laugh loudly as you step back. "I just wanted to meet you! What's your name?" You extend your hand with a big smile. "Oh hi... I'm Sarah," she responds, shaking your hand with a smile.

Nice, the conversation is starting!

What makes scenario #2 different?

In scenario #2, you understood the difference between Red Lights and Green Lights, something few guys grasp:

Firstly, when a girl gives you a Red Light (like rejection), it doesn't reflect on you personally. She simply lacks enough information about you to form a fair opinion.

Getting Red Lights is normal. If hot girls said "yes" to everyone who approached them, they'd have many kids by 20.

Getting a Red Light shouldn't hurt your feelings.

It's like stopping at a traffic light—you just stop and either wait for it to turn green or move on to the next girl with a better chance of a positive response.

And this doesn’t only apply to approaching…

Red Lights Can Happen Throughout the Interaction

During your interaction, she can give you a Red Light at each step:

=> When you first approach her,

=> When you try to separate her from her friends,

=> When you ask for her number,

=> When you suggest a date,

=> When you try to kiss her,

=> When you want to take her home,

=> When you escalate physically.

It's unlikely she'll give you a Green Light every time from the start, and many guys give up after the first rejection.

But there’s a big difference between a Red Light you should respect and walk away from and one you can turn into a Green Light.

When you can tell the difference:

Your Game become super effective.

You increase the number of successful approaches.

You go on more dates.

You have more choices.

And you start dating higher-quality girls on average.

If you want to learn exactly how to do that...

In this book...

You'll discover what you can do to get more Green Lights from girls - based on your unique personality traits

Plus, we'll tell you exactly how to turn Red Lights into Green Lights

Get it NOW!

I'm FVCKING EXCITED to see the transformation that's about to take place in you, my man.

Are you up for it?