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Hey Bruv,

I know, I know…

You're pissed off that she cancelled in the last minute AGAIN but…

Listen, women sometimes cancel dates because they live in the moment.

She “felt” like going on a date when she said yes...

But when the time came to actually go?

She wasn't in the mood because...

She was feeling unattractive or, she had a bad hair day (yes, women actually have these),

or, she felt too much pressure and commitment to dress up and keep up the conversation.

Deep down, she could really want to meet you.

But she takes the easiest way out based on how she feels in that moment.

The key to avoid flaking is not to logically convince her.

What is the key to avoid flaking then?

The key is to change her mood and bring it back to a positive, receptive state, exactly as it was when she said yes to your invite.

Please read that again.

Do some banter the evening before the day you're supposed to meet.

Here's an example you can use:

"So what are you gonna wear on the date to impress me?"

And also, a couple of hours before the date, just tell her:

"I'm running 30 minutes late, I'll see you at 8:30."

The running late thing further removes pressure off her and gives her more time to get ready.

Women hate pressure and being put on the spot.

It has to be a smooth flow into her coming to the date.

If at any moment she says, "I don't know, can we reschedule?"

Offer no resistance, just say, "Can't find the right clothes to wear? Don't worry, I'm gonna show up wearing comfy PJs haha ;)"

Show you understand her world and women will want to be around you.

Hope this helps.

Keep winning!