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Hey Man,

If you've dated enough women, you've probably seen some who pretend to be really innocent and proper before you sleep with them.

They act like they need to be taken out for fancy dinners and won't do anything more than give you a kiss.

But once you're alone with them, they quickly change their tune and become more open.

Once you've experienced this, you can usually tell when someone is just pretending.

You might play along for a bit, knowing it's just an act.

You also know that once you're alone together, they're likely to be more willing to be intimate..

Given this seemingly strange behavior, you might wonder why girls act like this.

Wouldn't it be simpler if they just grabbed your d!ck right away?

Of course, it would be simpler.

However, there's more to it.

One aspect is that, according to my observations, girls who pretend to be shy often end up being more promiscuous than the average woman.

This suggests that even very promiscuous women might have some deep-seated reservations about their behavior.

(There are also promiscuous women who have no such issues, but that’s a different topic.)

I believe most, if not all, women know that being promiscuous isn't seen as attractive.

But if they can't resist their urges because of poor impulse control, they use other strategies to cope.

One tactic is to put up barriers.

She might know she wants to be intimate with you right away, but she can't act on it because that would make her seem too promiscuous.

She doesn't want to be seen as a slut like others, so she puts on a shy-girl act and makes it seem like you had to work to win her over.

This way, she can convince herself that she's not really that promiscuous.

In fact, she might even tell herself that if you hadn't been so persistent, and neither had the 125 guys before you, she would still be a virgin.

As you can see, she's not to blame for her behavior at all.

Despite our belief that we've moved past certain stereotypes like racism, sexism, or misogyny, the truth is, female promiscuity is still often seen as a warning sign.

When you can't trust your partner to be faithful, you might worry about whether the children you're raising are really yours.

Plus, there's the concern that she might be putting herself at risk for STDs by being with other people behind your back.

Even if you personally don't judge a woman for exploring her sexuality, many other men won't be as accepting.

They might pretend not to notice, but they could still think you've made a bad choice in picking your partner.

Moreover, women wouldn't worry so much about their reputation if there weren't social consequences to being promiscuous.

Even events like "slut walks" haven't changed that.

In fact, I believe there's a growing backlash against the perceived moral decline of modern society, especially with the rise of online exposure.

I think one reason why marriage rates are declining and fewer men are getting into relationships is because the illusion is fading.

Today's men, especially the younger Zoomer generation, are becoming more aware of certain truths.

Sometimes I talk to clients as young as 16 who tell me they don't think any of the women they meet are worth investing time or energy into.

While there's some bias in my observations, it's safe to say that it would have been rare to find a teenager with such insights ten or fifteen years ago.

In more general terms, women pretending to be shy when they are not may be their last line of defense.

While I've noticed younger women playing hard-to-get, the shy-girl act is something you’ll mostly find in women over 25.

These women might be too set in their ways due to excessive promiscuity, which hinders their ability to form lasting bonds.

They also know they can't resist the allure of an attractive man.

So, they put up a facade of being shy and uncomfortable around attractive men, even though they are already aroused.

This act is a vain attempt to convince themselves that they are not as contemptible as they fear.

Got to be able to see them for what they are!

Until next time,