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Yo Brrr,

Been long since I had a Q&A session on email so let's dig into this…

“Hey MOS, Love your emails and I've learnt so much from you so here is my question: So about friend-zoning, I just read your post on building a social-circle on telegram. When it comes to guys and girls, how does just being "friends" work, from a guys perspective?"


This is a very good question.

Truth is this is also a grey area cause then it becomes a question whether you want her as a lover or a friend.

Early stages of me doing this saw me banging most of the female friends I had cause they were just so cute that I couldn't resist.

The problem comes after the s3x cause then the relationship between you both becomes undefined.

You can't just go back to being friends.


Defining roles from the onset avoid the chaotic scenario of her alternating between friend and lover.

We all know as men that women fall under 2 categories:

=> Friend

=> Lover

For most men, it's only as a lover (which I respect but it's too short sighted imo)

Let me use my current entourage of female friends as an example:

All my female friends are attractive, some more than others.

These are women you look and want to bang but how do I keep it in:

Apart from the fact that I define the relationship from the onset, I also put measures in place like not seeing them much except maybe during weekly events or some random meetings or group zoom calls (all this in a week which means we see 1-2x per week)

You probably thinking "All this to avoid temptation".

Nope, it's not (maybe lol). Just been quite busy with work.

Another thing that helps is exposure to a lot of women which I get through pre-selection and at events like fashion shows etc.

Another thing that I do is looking at the upsides of being friends vs upsides of being lovers.

I'm more of a rational guy and as a sales guy, I'm looking at ROIs and reward to cost ratio.

So I treat them like a brother would a sis but obviously there are times where one or more of the girls develop feelings for you.

Situations like involving keeping attention & contact to a minimum

Not gonna lie, it's easier said than done.

But most times you inevitably hookup with one in which you then promote her to a FWB and keep things rolling from there.

Thing you should know is as long as you're an attractive guy with Game then your female friends will def have you in their mind as a romantic option.

What you do from there depends how much value she gives you and if it's worth taking it to the next level or keeping things the way they are

Lmk what you think cause I'm getting seriously attacked on X just for mentioning the concept of friend-zoning women and getting them to get you girls.