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Hey Brother,

I want you to read carefully the story I'm about to tell you as there are hidden nuggets inside that you wouldn't want to miss, would you?

Let's begin…

I was feeling nauseous but I did promise Allwell (not real name) that I was going to come to his party.

Me: Fuck it, let's do this.

Got to the venue, and everything looked good, balloons and streamers everywhere which adds to the festive ambiance.

I see strobe lights everywhere which gives me this pulsating feeling. Fuck it, I'm starting to get into party mode.

I spot Allwell, walk up to him, present my gift, and say "Happy birthday 🎈". He hugs me and leads me to the VIP section.

Allwell: Yo, you should take something *hands me a glass and pours vodka*

Me: *raises glass* To my good friend Allwell, many more years to you mate.

*Everyone raises a glass*

I take 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8+ glass of premium vodka then scream "Where the bitches at" (yep not my proudest moment πŸ˜‚)

The VIP section is filled with bitches already so wtf...

Looked around and saw 7 girls at our table plus Allwell's girlfriend Jenny (not her real name)

*More cocktails coming through* I'm thrilled, took a sip (more like a long gulp 😁), and started checking out each girl.

2 dark-skinned, 4 white-skinned, and 1 Latina (Allwell's girl is dark-skinned)

Got my eyes set on the Latina and one of the white-skinned girls with blond hair.

They were both gorgeous so which do I pick? πŸ€”

Fuck it, I will use the "Awkward test" on them.

Started chatting with them and I go "How deep is your Vagina."

(I know, I know and yes, that was stupid and uncalled for but....I don't call it the awkward test for no reason)

Side note: The awkward test is anything you say that creates an awkward atmosphere and the point is to weed out the non-interested from the interested. Caprice?

The moment I asked that, I could tell how silent the atmosphere became (good it's working) which leads to my first lesson of this story...

#1: Whether it's for a quick lay or relationship or whatever, always go for the woman who is interested in you, not the one you are interested in.

After blurting out my statement, I noticed Katie (a white-skinned girl) giving me a disgusted look while Mariana (Latina) was looking at me like she hit the jackpot and smiling.

Good, now I know where I stand. The awkward test never fails me which leads to my second lesson of the story...

#2: Not every girl will like you no matter what you do or say and that's alright cause there will always be the ones who will admire you for saying or doing something.

Just focus on the ones that appreciate you, the rest can fuck off.

Turned to Mariana then I decided that I would go for a "tease" opener...

"Another day, another Latina"

She smirked and said "Rough one huh?"

Me: It was quite rough 😈

Mariana: Whatever πŸ˜’

Me: Are all Latinas like that?

Mariana: Like what??

Me: Rude or they are just in need of something hard and raw. 😈

Mariana: Hard and raw?? Unfortunately, some are quite small πŸ’€πŸ’€

Which takes me to lesson 3...

#3: No matter her negative reaction, tone, and facial expression... DON'T LOSE CONFIDENCE

Me: Ouch, sucker punch but it is a foregone conclusion. *Points at her bracelet* Now I get it.

Mariana: Get what??

Me: No wonder I feel all snobby inside, You are using that bracelet to charm me huh? Well, how's that working for you? 😁

Mariana: You wish but it's working fine.

Me: *raise glass* I will drink to that. Give me your hands.

*She proceeds to give me her hand*

Did a little bit of kino (touching) and a little bit of palm reading. She was starting to warm up to me and I could tell that something was going down tonight.

Moved her away and started chatting a little before making out with her. Kissing so much I could hardly breathe that's new.

Her hands go down and feels an erection. "Wow that's not small after all, I live close by" -Mariana. Say no more and we're out.

Get to her place and clothes are off, we make out and we start having sex (doggy style why not) then *knock on the door*

Her: Who is it?

Voice outside: It's me mi amor

Her: Shit you have to go, it's my boyfriend

Me: What?? Butttt...I..ammmm....not... finissshed.

Her: *takes my phone* Here is my number, call me later. Now Go

I opened the window and climbed out. Hooray As I ran down the street topless with just my πŸ‘–, I wore my shirt and shoes then it hit me.....


Shit, I have to go back, got work tomorrow and the lab is not going to open itself.

"Dan, think, think πŸ€” and...πŸ’‘"

I head back to her place and knock on the door. *Door opens*

"Yes, what do you want?"

Me: I want to see my good friend Mariana.

"Mariana, Tienes un invitado"

"Come in"

*I enter the house*

Mariana see me and I gestured for her to 🀫

"Do you need something to drink"

Me: No, I'm good.

"I know most of Mariana's friends but I don't seem to know you *looks at her* ΒΏCΓ³mo conoces a este chico?

Me: My name is Dan, We met in London when Mariana was still working in the News.

"I didn't know you worked in the News, Mariana?"

Mariana: My time there was horrible so I don't like to talk about it.


*Offers a handshake* My name is Rodriguez. Rodriguez Antonio

*Shakes hand* Me: Nice to meet you, Rodriguez.

#4 Always play it cool (unfortunately I broke this one πŸ˜”)

"I will give you both time to catch up, excuse me"

Mariana drags me aside "wtf are you doing here?"

I forgot my keys so I came back to get them.

"Just wait here I will go get it"

I waited while she went to get it, she came back and handed me the keys so I was headed for the door when...

Rodriguez: Mariana, ΒΏDe quiΓ©n es esta ropa interior?

Shit, shit, I forgot my underwear and now I've done it πŸ˜„

Mariana: It's yours, remember.

Rodriguez: It's purple and I don't have purple underwear.

"What do I do? What do I do?"

Mariana: It's yours, I swear.

Rodriguez: You are lying.

"Yo calm down guys" I made the stupid mistake of going close to him and then...

"Mariana, why do I perceive your perfume on this dude".

Yep, now I did it...

Me: No, I got this from an Italian shop.

Rodriguez: Funny cause it was specifically made for her by a friend (so it's not up for sale)


*I dart out of the door* with Rodriguez in pursuit.

#5 Take your cardio seriously (might save your life πŸ˜‚)

Thank God I took my cardio seriously and I was able to outrun him but that was a close one.

Took a taxi, got home, and went to bed. What a a text from Allwell "Where are you".

Didn't bother to reply since I dosed off.

Woke up to a text

"OMG are u ok" -Mariana

*Didn't reply*

*Sigh* That was a close one, mate. (To myself)

Fuck it, I'm not going to the lab today.

Made from Steel!

Until next time