New Post

Yo Man Of Steel,

I was answering a question on my TG the other day...

The question I was asked was-

"MOS, should I confess my feelings for this girl I am friends with? What is the best way to start dating her?"


You and I have both had feelings for that ONE female friend in our life.

To be honest, confessing doesn’t work because you NEED to understand…

She sees you as a friend.

No matter what “moments” you shared, she will FIGHT HER OWN HEART to fit you into the "he's just my friend" frame-

...AS LONG AS she is thinking with her "mind."

You need to bring her to a “Magical Realization”:

“Wait, I actually like him too!”

Here’s how it goes-

First, you have to BREAK the pattern of friendship.

Start to be more distant, send bland replies, basically make her think “Wait, what’s wrong!?”

Second, when she does ask you what’s wrong?

Tell her everything’s fine, you’re just busy with other things.

Third, start hanging out with OTHER women who she knows/will know about (through social media or her friends telling her).

She needs to get a bit jealous and REALIZE that she is feeling jealous FOR you.

Fourth and final- At this point, she has realized SHE is attracted to you.

But she doesn’t know whether it’s the same for you or not.

So she will start reaching out more to your COLD SELF.

You have to maintain your coldness here, be a bit of a jerk, BUT eventually set up a casual meeting with her. Coffee is fine, but DRINKS are ideal.

Once you’re together, in person, after WEEKS of not meeting: she’s nervous but excited.

Her "friend" image of yours is WASHED away, and now you are "a man in demand."

You both get a bit tipsy, flirt, be direct and physical with her...

And when you finally are alone...