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Hey Brother,

When I was in college (during my freshman year), I was a nice guy.

At that time, I believed being really nice to a girl would make her like me more, just like in movies and what my mom taught me.

But in real life, women will lose respect for you if you're too nice.

I didn't realize that back then.

I'd take girls out, give them gifts like flowers and candy, and treat them like they were perfect.

I'd also get mad at guys who were mean to the girls I liked, even though those guys often ended up with them.

I've seen many people fall into the same trap: They praise girls too much, put them on a pedestal, and worship them. And every time, like clockwork, the girl loses interest.

Attractive girls receive lots of compliments on their Instagram stories, with guys acting like they're the best thing ever.

If you're always giving her compliments, you'll just blend in with everyone else.

She won't find you challenging or mysterious.

But this doesn't mean you should be mean to women.

Some guys who follow the "red pill" philosophy misunderstand this: they know girls don't like overly nice guys, but then they go too far the other way.

Girls don't like guys who purposefully treat them badly either.

Both behaviors involve changing yourself to try to get a certain reaction.

The right approach is this: you need to be assertive.

Girls are turned off by guys who don't stand up for themselves, who let others walk all over them.

They especially don't like guys who let attractive girls do it.

When you're with a very attractive girl, just treat her like any other person.

Being hot doesn't mean she should get special treatment.

Avoid giving her too many compliments or constantly messaging her.

If she does something wrong or crosses a line, it's okay to call her out on it. But don't go out of your way to be mean.



If you want to naturally attract attractive women without even trying, you should consider clicking below to get my book “Nice guys with bad boy tendencies.”

It's all about being yourself, and having hot women really like being around you.

All the best,