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Hey Brother,

When you finally make eye contact with an attractive girl, I'm going to show you the exact techniques needed so the next time you lock eyes with a girl, you'll know exactly what to do and never miss an opportunity like that again.


Now if you've ever made eye contact with a girl, you probably made one of the following mistakes:

=> Nervously looking away. By being the one to break eye contact, you're going to be perceived as being shy or awkward.

=> Staring (Don't do this!). Most dudes do this because they think they are displaying confidence but they don't know staring emotionlessly creates the wrong effect on women.

*The problem with the two mistakes is that neither of them creates the right emotion within the girl so understand that every time you make eye contact with the girl, it's an opportunity to create emotions


1. Don't Break Eye Contact (at least not right away)

Remember this is an opportunity to display confidence and create emotions within the girl so don't break eye contact right away.

2. Have A Light Smile

Don't smile too big but it should be more of something along the lines of a light smirk or smile (definitely keep it subtle)

This is how we begin to create the right emotions and slightly start the communication line using...

3. A Light Head Nod

This is almost like an acknowledgment (like a light greeting). You shouldn't be doing something like waving her down (that'll be way over the top)

The power is in the subtlety and when these 3 are done correctly then it's going to display confidence, create the right emotion, and start the communication line between the two of you subtly.

Now let's go over the different places you might lock eyes with a hot girl and we'll go over how to proceed in each environment to get that girl.

1. Places You Frequent

This could be the gym, school, working environment anywhere you're going to see the girl multiple times.

In this kind of environment, you're going to use the Power Of Familiarity to your advantage. So the first time you see the girl, the main goal should be to start the communication line very subtly. No rush cause you're still going to see her again.

So it starts with:

=> Light Smile

=> Light Head Nod

This is all you're going to need to do and this is going to lay the foundation because the next time you see her, there is a little bit of familiarity built up and you can go a bit further with it.

Next time you see her, you can smile, nod, and throw in a wave this time or if she is close to you, you can say "Hey what's up" or "How's it going" and it's not a big deal.

Most dudes will awkwardly look at the girl then look away then do it again, she spots him looking at her and then he looks away again. The thing is after breaking eye contact multiple times, it becomes more difficult to approach.

So with that being said, I know what you're thinking which is what do you do when you see a girl and it's not in the place you frequent?

I got four words for you...


This technique is good in places where you don't have that much time with her. This is effective for locations like the grocery store or you're walking down a random street and you make eye contact with the girl.

You have three seconds to commit to going up and approaching her cause once she goes then you've missed an opportunity that you'll never meet again.

So instead of making excuses in your head about why you can't approach, simply make eye contact, light smile, light head nod then count down 3, 2, 1, and just approach her.

For me at that point, I'll say something basic like "Hey excuse me, I saw you walking by and wanted to meet you real quick, how's your day going?"

That's enough to get you into an interaction. If you want to know more about how to approach a girl to set up dates then...

Now let's get into more advanced techniques that you can use in areas where the girl isn't just leaving instantly like a bar or club or anywhere we know she is going to be there for an extended period.

The first time you guys make eye contact with the girl, I recommend you go in with a light smile and, a light head nod, and now if you guys are out at night, you can sometimes throw in a light cheers 🥂 as well.

Now our next point is to...


If she is responding positively, then she may do a little bit of a smirk probably going to look away and then look back again or she may not look away at all and keep looking at you with a positive response on her face.

So here are the different moves we can do at this point:

=> (If positive) go straight to her and approach with a "Hey, what's up, how's your night going?"

=> (If positive) You give a light smile and then wave for her to come over to you.

This is a little more advanced cause it takes a certain level of confidence to look at the girl, smile (she responds positively), and wave for her to come to you.

Sidenote: If you don't confidently do this then she is not going to come to you. If you're going to do it then be sure about it.

=> (If positive) You can playfully tease her with your eye contact from a distance by giving her an eye roll and then looking away (funny look away).

It's a playful tease so have a smile on your face when you do this to show the girl you're just playfully teasing her.

If she is responding positively to the tease then you can still wave her over so it's not like these are in a particular order. These are just different tools you could play around with.

Lastly, I know you're probably wondering what to do if you wave her over and she doesn't come.

It might happen but it doesn't mean anything. It's not a rejection if she doesn't come up at that moment. I've had a lot of girls that came when I waved them over and a good amount of girls that won't come over but it doesn't matter.

Either way at this point, it's now a green light for you to approach her so you approach her, say "Hi, what's up, why didn't you come say hi? Am I that intimidating?" with a smile.

I like these techniques cause when they are done properly, they communicate confidence, non-threatening, social, playful, fun and it paves the way to open her.

So that's all from me. If you have any questions then let me know below and I'll be sure to get back to you.

Until next time