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Hey Brother,

One thing I definitely don't like about being on social media is all the nonsense opinions about women.

The manosphere had a rough time back in 2023.

I saw a lot of young guys repeating what others said, thinking they knew everything about women, even though they didn't have much experience themselves.

As many of you know, I've been critical of the red pill community for a while. But my issue isn't that it's completely wrong.

It's more about its lack of completeness and the overly paranoid mindset it can create.

One inconsistency I've noticed is the idea that women are "too picky."

Some guys in this community believe that women only want men who fit a specific criteria - the "666 mark of the beast" - meaning they must be 6 feet tall, have a six-figure income, and be endowed with a six-inch penis. Sometimes they even add in having a six-pack.

To prove their point, these guys often share videos of a cameraman asking drunk women questions late at night, like "how tall should a man be?" or "how much should he earn to date you?" The women's answers are usually outrageous and entitled, perfect for getting attention online.

Many men on the internet take these videos at face value, getting upset and angry. And so, another cycle of online outrage begins. (Note: While some of these videos may be staged, we'll assume they're real because they still reflect common concerns many guys have about women today.)

As a dating coach, I find this both frustrating and amusing.

These men don't understand women very well! First of all, if you put a drunk woman in front of a camera, she's likely to say silly things. She's got a CAMERA on her, so she wants attention.

The more outrageous she is, the more likely she'll get noticed.

She's not worried about being accurate, especially when she's drunk; she just wants a reaction.

Most importantly, she wants to have fun - and for many women, stirring up drama is part of that fun.

Another thing that's funny is that most women don't even know the real numbers for these "required traits."

They don't know how much money six figures buys, or what it costs to live comfortably.

What they want is to live in a nice place and be able to go out and enjoy life. They associate this with having a certain income, sometimes even ridiculously high numbers.

So if a woman is making $40k and says she needs her man to make $500k (like in a recent video)... don't take her seriously.

She probably doesn't understand money well.

The same goes for height and penis size.

If a guy is a bit taller than a girl, she usually thinks he's tall enough. A girl who's 5ft 2 doesn't actually need a guy to be 6ft tall (in fact, hardly any girl does, but we'll talk more about that later).

Now, let's talk about penis size - a big insecurity for many men! Here's the thing: women have no clue how big your penis actually is.

They might think your 5 inches is 6, or your 7 inches is 9... the number doesn't mean much to them.

They'll give a big number if they think it's big, and a small number if they think it's small.

It's a bit silly, but that's just how they are. If a woman can guess your penis size accurately, watch out - she's probably got some experience.

But even these first two points are less important compared to the third, most crucial observation: women often don't even know what they want in the first place!

Any guy who's actually approached women will tell you that what women say they want isn't always accurate. (And to be fair, what men say they want isn't always on point either, but let's save that for another talk).

Pick-up artists, many of whom weren't anything special to look at and weren't rolling in dough (until they sold their dating courses, ha), often faced hurdles in attracting women based on looks or money.

But they learned how to overcome them through charm and strategy. Because what a woman says she wants doesn't matter as much as how a man makes her feel.

She might list certain criteria, like the 666, because she's not sure what she truly desires or feels ashamed to admit it.

So, she'll tell you what she thinks she's supposed to want. This, along with the usual tug-of-war between wanting an assertive man and a caring one, is why you'll hear some women say they just want a nice, successful guy... even as they're dating struggling artists or jerks on the side.

But there's a deeper reason behind all of this. The "alpha" guy may seem strong, but deep down, there's a part of him that's afraid of love. He carries a hidden burden, a wound.

While she may be attracted to his confidence, it's this vulnerability that she truly falls for.

A perfect man isn't as appealing to a woman because he doesn't have any wounds.

He's not in any danger! So, in a way, he doesn't need a woman in his life - someone to heal him, to support him.

With such a perfect man, a woman might not only feel unnecessary, but also unworthy.

The old saying is that women want a man to fix. But that's too simple.

A man doesn't have to be broken for a woman to love him - he doesn't need saving. Maybe for a woman who's been hurt, but that desire is just a reflection of her own low self-esteem - it's not the true feminine instinct.

What a woman really wants - a healthy one, at least - is to support a man who handles his struggles well. Who carries his burdens with dignity. Who faces challenges gracefully.

This is why women are often drawn to "men on a mission." It's not just about admiring a man's drive or feeling his masculinity.

It's not about greed either. It's because real missions involve risk, injury, and sometimes defeat. Men on missions are like soldiers at war - they can get hurt or even killed. They face tragedy, and sometimes they become it.

In these moments, a woman's nurturing instinct kicks in. She wants to heal, to save her man's light.

She knows she loves him and fears losing him. It's a man's potential for both greatness and failure that makes a woman truly and deeply fall in love.

But that doesn't mean you should aim to fail or be flawed. Perfection is an ideal; you should always strive for it, and it's attractive to do so! However, being obsessed with perfection is risky for men.

It's not just because it wrongly implies that women demand it from them, but also because it often prevents men from taking risks and putting themselves out there. Yet, taking risks is what makes them desirable.

Prison is a place where you can see this principle in action. I've a few friends are serving long sentences.

And you know what? Some of these guys not only have wives; they have other women too! It's so common that he told me one of the officers warned them during orientation "not to let your wife, girlfriend, and baby mama all visit on the same day" or your visitation rights will be canceled... after you get slapped.

Apparently, there have been some incidents.

The point here is simple: while winning is great, nothing grabs a woman's attention like a man with a tragic side - a man with light inside him, who might still find redemption.

Women are drawn to tragedy because it's dramatic, and drama makes them feel alive... even if there's pain mixed in.

Now, this doesn't mean women always want tragedy. Everyone goes through different phases in life, and some women are naturally more inclined towards emotions like this, or can handle them better.

If your life is all tragedy without any victories, eventually every woman will get tired of it.

But they all crave a bit of it from time to time, because it's tragedy and imperfection that drive the journey towards romance and completion.

So don't be afraid to fail. As long as you tried your best and stayed strong through it all, your woman might end up loving you even more for it.

Until next