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Hey Brother,

What if I told you that there was a way to know if a girl is interested in talking to you so you don't get rejected?

It took a while to figure this technique out and best part about it is you can easily tell girls who are interested in speaking to you so it becomes easy to meet and set up dates with girls…

…Are you ready to learn this so…

Let's begin…

If a guy was to come close to you, stand next to you, start looking at you with dreamy eyes and then start talking to you.

How would you feel as heterosexual straight man?

Pretty uncomfortable right?

Under such circumstances, you either side step, move away or run away.

Staying there and entertaining such advances will only communicate the fact that you are a phag.



You use this technique to gauge a girl interest level to chat.

Next time you're at a bar/club/grocery store...

...And you spot a hot girl you would like to chat with (but not sure if she is interested)

Do this:

First, invade her space (not face to face but shoulder to shoulder laterally)

So you get close but not too close that you make her feel uncomfortable.

Now remember what a straight guy would do in this case - walk away if another guy stands too close.

Likewise if she doesn't move away then we can assume she's willing to be chatted up.

So stand side by side (close) to this girl (you don't have to say anything but saying hi won't be bad)

If she doesn't move away after some seconds - she is attracted to you or open to being chatted up.

I do this a lot at different venues like banks, grocery store etc to gauge whether a girl is approached or not.

Some reactions you will get from her...

Negative reactions:

=> Walk off

=> Nervous tension

=> Shit test (why are you so close to me)

=> Head snap to the side or backwards (as if saying WTF)

=> Funny look

Positive reactions:

=> Smiles

=> Peripheral eye contact

=> No reaction at all is a great reaction

=> Inches closer

So guys, make sure to test this out and tell me if it worked for you.