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Hey Brother,

Today's mail is a long one but bear with me

Guys all want to learn Game for one and only one reason:


This is why guys learnt Pickup from mystery, Todd V or Roosh V or Nick Krauser.


Improving one's interactions with women, whether seeking a committed relationship or exploring different connections, Pick Up offers guidance to men, enhancing self-awareness and understanding of women's preferences.

While these aspects are beneficial, Pick Up falls short in various other aspects.

It fell hard in the arena of getting girls who are OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE.

Thankfully, alternative methods exist, and they not only yield better results but also contribute to personal well-being.

All you have to do is avoid these three critical mistakes.

Are you prepared to learn them?

Great, let's explore them now.

Mistake #1: Misinterpreting the Concept of High Quality

Now don't get me wrong, you can get attractive girls with Pickup but it's flawed in the sense that it gets you image conscious girls who are total suckers for the Game.

But let me pose a question: Are these women truly of high quality? Are they genuinely out of your league simply because they're attractive?

I hope not.

If that's the case, my friend, there's a misconception.

One of the common blunders men commit is equating attractiveness with quality.

Look, while attractive women are undoubtedly appealing, every man should pursue whoever ignites his passion, irrespective of societal standards.

Settling isn't just a recipe for personal discontent in the long run; it also leads to dissatisfaction for your partner.

Women aren't oblivious; they can sense when they're not fully appreciated, and no one wants to feel inadequate.

Don't be insensitive and contribute to that feeling – it only leads to more issues in the future.

So what should you do?

It's simple, go after what you want.

Do you like plumpy girls or girls built like a tank? Great knock yourself out.

Do you prefer models? Go for it.

Whether she is black, white, Asian, middle eastern or Balkan...

Simply go after the chicks you desire.

This mindset is crucial for both you and your partner's well-being, and it's far from misogynistic, regardless of what critics may claim.

However, there's a caveat.

If physical attractiveness becomes your sole focus, it's foolish

I've been with incredibly attractive women, and while they were visually appealing, many lacked emotional depth, intellectual stimulation, had questionable character traits, or were unsatisfactory in intimate relationships.

Were they truly of high quality? Would you deem them "out of your league"? Perhaps if your standards are exceedingly low.

Personally, I didn't, not because of arrogance, but because I don't place excessive importance on subjective factors.

"High quality" is subjective. If you define a woman who impresses your peers but fails to engage or irritates you as high quality or "out of your league," that's your prerogative.

However, it doesn't resonate with me. Life is too fleeting, and physical appearances are transient.

"High quality" shouldn't be strictly based on appearance.

It's personality wise (Is she emotionally stable?)

It's about intellect. Is she genuinely curious about the world?

It's about ethics. Can she be trusted?

It's about sexuality. Is intimacy significant to her?

It encompasses various traits, both significant and subtle.

It's her having the FULL PACKAGE.

One of the most stupid and worst mistakes you could make which can potentially destroy the quality of your life is to misjudge a girl.

Sure looks are important, but to base that as your entire criteria for "high quality"

She is not special cause she is attractive or you're in for a world of pain. No girl is out of your league except you genuinely think so which leads me to...

Mistake #2: Believing the Girl is Beyond Your Reach (League)

Now that you're reconsidering which girls you label as "out of your league," it's important to discard that notion altogether. No girl is truly out of your league.

One of the common thoughts that crosses guys' minds when they encounter girls they perceive as special is the need to "win her over."

This is a significant mistake. If you're preoccupied with how to "win" her, you've automatically positioned yourself as inferior, which typically leads to unfavorable outcomes in the interaction.


Whenever you place a girl on a pedestal, you're signaling that you view her as superior to yourself. Why would any self-respecting girl want to date someone who sees her as above him? They wouldn't, and attempting to deceive them into thinking otherwise won't work in the long run.

Women possess remarkable emotional intelligence; they can quickly discern whether a guy is being genuine or simply trying to win her over. They greatly prefer authenticity over insincerity.

Girls are attracted to men who exude strength. They don't want someone hiding behind a facade or seeking pity. Instead, they seek confidence and assertiveness in pursuit.

Approach her calmly, without coming across as creepy, yet persistently, despite any initial rejection. This is the only acceptable mindset for "getting the girl."

(Note: If you lack experience in this area or if she responds negatively or uncomfortably to your advances, it's essential to back off. The line between flattering pursuit and harassment can be blurry and may require some adjustment. I don't condone the latter. If you seek further insight, consider reading some romance novels.)

Instead of viewing a girl as "out of your league," consider if she fits into YOUR league. Are her qualities in line with YOUR standards? Is she someone you envision in YOUR life?

These questions shift the interaction's dynamic, turning it into a screening process. Girls appreciate pursuit but prefer it from guys who don't appear needy.

They want to be chosen for their intrinsic value, not just their looks or status. Screening validates both parties, demonstrating standards and self-respect. Successful relationships occur when both individuals choose each other, avoiding unbalanced power dynamics.

Pursue women who impress you and add value to your life, rather than those perceived as beneath you. They're not "out of your league;" they're "in your league," and that's why they're worth pursuing.

Mistake #3: Not Getting your sh!t together

Stop viewing impressive girls as unattainable – easier said than done, I know.

The key is consistently striving to improve yourself. Date women who are on your level because you have your life together.

Maintain control, pursue your passions, prioritize health, wealth, appearance, gratitude, and mindset.

Stand out by being one of the few men who truly have their act together. If you're not investing in yourself, dating top-tier women will remain out of reach. Cut out negative influences, challenge yourself daily, and accept where you currently are while striving for more.

Aim to be a champion in life, and you'll attract a girl who sees you as the catch.

Choose wisely, value yourself, and continually strive for personal growth. With the right mindset and effort, there's no limit to what you can achieve in dating and beyond.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes below.