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My man.

Do you ever feel suffocated around some friends? You want to avoid them, but they always find a way to reach you?

And when you do meet them, you think, "Why didn't I just keep doing what I was doing?"

I've been there.

Here's a harsh truth to make it easier for you: You won’t stay in touch with at least 80% of the people you currently know.

That’s just the reality for a man who keeps growing.

Growth comes with sacrificing some relationships, friendships, and even things.

But don’t worry at all.

When you cut these people off, you create space for better people in your life.

Keeping the top 20% of people around you is the right way to go.

This way, you always have the best people around while adding new, competent ones.

This cycle never stops.

The high-value men and beautiful women in your life by today’s standards won’t be as high-value by tomorrow’s standards.

If you have the same circle for over 6 months to a year, it means your growth has stopped.

You need to regularly cut off some people to create mental space for growth and physical space for better people.

No matter how old you are, start now and watch the magic unfold.

Watch how higher-quality people enter your life out of nowhere.

One of the many things they don’t tell you in school.