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Hey Brother,

Sometimes, guys come to me for advice on how to get a girlfriend.

They're not looking for general advice but want specific feedback about a particular girl they're interested in.

This includes both guys who usually do well with women and those who have met a woman who likes them a lot, without knowing why.

These situations may seem different, but the core issue is the same: almost all women try to attract a man they are interested in.

There's a big difference between a manipulative woman who pretends to be your perfect match and a regular woman who just wants to show her best side without lying or tricking you.

These regular women hope that you'll like them as much as they like you.

Any guy trying to figure out if a woman is right for a relationship needs to be objective.

Less experienced guys often ignore clear warning signs.

Some of you might have noticed that even close friends can get defensive or upset if you criticize their choice of a woman.

No matter what she does—lying, stealing, or insulting him in public - some guys will excuse everything and never question if she’s a good girlfriend.

Even if a friend asks for your opinion, would you really want to tell him that he's dating trouble?

It won't end well.

You'll likely lose your friend who's now controlled by his girlfriend, so there's no point in upsetting him.

A woman's bad traits often become clear only in hindsight, but by then it's usually too late.

After years of suffering or going through a tough divorce, many guys will still say they don't know how their relationship fell apart.

But if they had just paid attention at the start, they would have seen the warning signs.

Yet, they ignored these signs and continued on.

I've met some women who were surprisingly disrespectful.

They claimed it was just their personality.

They might have thought they needed to act this way because of "girl power."

When they were younger, this behavior was likely just an act.

However, their environment encouraged them to "lean in," and eventually, this behavior became a part of them.

They reached a point where they couldn't change this nasty behavior anymore.

If you enjoy spending time with someone difficult, that's your choice, but you might want to end such interactions quickly.

You won't be able to "fix" her. If she's unpleasant during the early stages of the relationship, her behavior will only get worse.

Remember, you're already seeing her best side.

Sometimes, I met women who were so unpleasant that I walked away after just ten or fifteen minutes.

This didn’t happen often, but even those women were surprised.

They seemed to have never met a guy with standards.

Imagine sitting with a young woman and hearing her ask what it feels like to be part of a gender that’s becoming obsolete.

You could make a witty comeback about artificial wombs not being a reality yet, but why bother?

This is just a kind of "shit-test," but it's better to have higher standards for the women you choose to fvck.

If you find her too attractive to ignore, you might be tempted to sleep with her just once for the experience and to keep her quiet while you're intimate.

However, you could also choose to respect yourself and avoid such women altogether.

Over time, you'll become so tired of this type of behavior that you'll happily pass on beautiful women if their personalities are bad.

Interestingly, this behavior is often seen in women who aren't unattractive but are bitter because they can't compete with 9/10 beauties.

Less attractive women can be quite unpleasant, whereas very attractive women are usually more pleasant to be around.

Some women adopt a “strong woman” persona to put men down, which can make them genuinely obnoxious.

I once lived in an apartment with both men and women, and the women often had their female friends over.

This exposed me to some really unpleasant behavior.

For instance, there was a woman who was maybe a 6/10 bragging about hooking up with a random guy on a weekend trip, and she flaunted this in front of her boyfriend.

She received a text from that guy, which brightened her mood.

When her boyfriend asked why she was so happy, she told him it was because she got a message “from a guy she had fun with last weekend.”

Surprisingly, this woman was financially dependent on her boyfriend, yet had no respect for him at all.

The main point is that bad behavior tends to show up quickly.

If you notice it, pay close attention because if you don’t, you’ll experience much more of it.

One day, you might find yourself wondering what went wrong in your life.

Your best hope is that you only encountered a mildly unpleasant woman.

However, if you’re making excuses for a toxic person, the impact on your life could be severe and irreversible.

Some may try to ruin your life, and the worst ones will do so without any remorse because you didn’t meet their expectations, making you feel like you deserve everything that happens to you.

Keep that in mind!

Until next time,