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Hey Brother,

Whenever you encounter strange behavior from a girl like she is acting hot and cold with you or acting weird, it's crucial to address it directly. Instead of avoiding the issue, I recommend approaching it head-on with honesty and authenticity.

Simply stating, "Hey, sometimes it feels like you're interested, and other times it seems like you're not. What's going on?" can open the door to an open and honest discussion.

Being direct shows authenticity and helps clear the air, preventing the issue from recurring in the future. Many guys shy away from direct communication, but addressing concerns openly is appreciated by women and strengthens the relationship.

Avoiding the problem only leads to deterioration and eventual breakdown of the relationship. Instead, stay calm and non-confrontational while discussing the issue.

If she brushes off the concern with a dismissive response like "everything's fine," don't hesitate to gently press for clarity. For example, "I noticed you've been ignoring requests to meet up, which isn't typical. Let's talk about what's been going on."

By addressing issues directly and respectfully, you'll not only resolve conflicts but also increase attraction. If you're interested in mastering effective communication with women, consider getting my book “Women 3.0”

Prepare to gain invaluable insights into your interactions with women.