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Hey Bro,

Before diving into the how, let's explore the why.

Because let's face it: women hate logical talks.

You've probably witnessed it firsthand: as soon as you delve into sensible topics or social issues, she starts tuning out.

There's a time and place for logical conversations, and that's usually when she's peacefully asleep next to you after some intimate moments.

Half-jokes aside,

Honestly, it's not even enjoyable for you to engage in logical discussions with women.

Let's be real: when was the last time discussing money and business actually led to getting laid?


And it's not like she's going to offer groundbreaking advice or insights. Most likely, she'll just waste your time and energy, landing you in the dreaded friend-zone.

So, leave your logical mind at home when you're with women.

It's more fun and enjoyable for both of you that way.

Because sometimes, even as men, we crave an escape from the inner turmoil brewing in us.

So, now that you understand the WHY, here's the HOW to shut down your logical mind around women:

Treat her like a 10-year-old.

Imagine everything she says is coming from a 10-year-old. Would you take a 10-year-old seriously?

So, if the conversation veers into logical or boring topics, filter it through the lens of "how would I respond if a 10-year-old was talking about grown-up stuff?"

"Wow, look at you acting all grown up."

"Wow, they all grow up so fast, don't they?"

"Did they teach you this in school today?"

This approach works especially well if she's way too old to be anywhere near school, LOL.

It might seem silly, and that's precisely the point. Embracing this approach steers the conversation into a playful tangent where both of you engage in endless banter, teasing, and fun.

Moreover, it becomes easier to escalating to a sexual level effortlessly. Amidst all the fun, you can hold hands, tickle her, playfully pat her on the head, hug her, and more.

Why does this work? Because it's all happening within the context of "we're just being silly," making it easier to transition to more intimate gestures.

This tendency to stay in a logical, rational mindset is actually the #1 obstacle for many men in attracting beautiful women.

Even successful men struggle with it, constantly preoccupied with business, finances, and other serious matters that hinder them from tapping into their playful side.

This is a major focus of my book, Women Perception & Seduction

You learn various games to play on dates, shifting from overthinking to enjoying the moment with your date.

These games helps to build a free-flowing, fun atmosphere where both of you can let loose and have a great time.

Additionally, certain attraction sequences are designed to effortlessly transition you and your date into a playful, sexual state just by saying a few lines.

(All in the guide)

If you're a successful man struggling with your dating life, these strategies can be a game-changer for you.

See you on the other side