New Post

Yooo, Bruv,

This message is personal.

It's been 4 years since I last watched the news, and I think it's important to share why.

I can't help but be entertained by "political commentators" and "conspiracy theorists" on social media.

Remember the “recent solar” eclipse on the 8th of Apri, 2024?

Some people freaked out, but in the end, nothing happened.

Or when everyone was hyped about the Epstein client list being released?

The list came out, and again, nothing significant happened—just some memes.

Then there’s all this talk about AI taking over jobs.

The same fear surfaced during the Industrial Revolution when machines were introduced.

I won’t bother linking articles or proof here, because if you’re reading this, you probably don’t buy into that stuff anyway.

But maybe you still engage with some of their content, letting it affect how you live your life.

If so, stop.

These people are the biggest time-wasters on the internet.

Think about it—who has the time to comment on every new thing happening that has nothing to do with them?

In my opinion, the only major event recently was COVID.

A lot of the fear-mongering stems from a desire people have to feel relevant. Some even seem to crave another event like COVID just to have something to talk about.

Perhaps some of them got vaccinated and are now looking for redemption by opposing “evil forces.”

As for me, I didn’t get the vaccine, but I still traveled.

Don’t ask me how, though. ;)

These days, I’m focused on living an incredible life and helping more men learn game, which is what really matters.

Here’s the truth:

The world has always had people who get taken advantage of and those who do the taking.

That dynamic won’t change.

The real tools of control are rarely, if ever, seen by the public.

So how do you move from the losing side to the winning side?

By focusing on yourself.

Focus on your day-to-day life.

Focus on how you spend your 24 hours.

Focus on where you direct your energy and who you give it to..

It is all a smokescreen designed to waste your energy on the wrong things.

Cut it off.