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Hey Brother,

Here's the deal:

To build more attraction with women, your words and actions are key.

Many guys mess this up by either talking too much about themselves, turning the conversation into an interview, or letting it go stale, leading to a loss of attraction and interest.

Two crucial facts to remember:

1) Women respond to emotions: They crave fun and excitement, not just facts and logic.

2) Women are solipsistic: They love talking about themselves and feeling like the center of attention.

Knowing this, what should you do?

Firstly, take her on an emotional rollercoaster:

Break the monotony of her everyday life by being polarizing and giving her strong emotions, whether positive or negative. Balance is key.

You can disqualify her or tease and challenge her, standing out from the crowd of guys vying for her attention.

For example, by implying she isn't up to your standards, you're disqualifying her. Teasing her by likening her to your little sister adds an element of playful challenge.

Comfortably introducing sexual topics and sexualizing the conversation will also heighten emotions and tension.

Since women love talking about themselves, engage her by making guesses and assumptions about her psychology, dreams, and demographics using cold reads.

Additionally, make her qualify herself to you:

By disqualifying her, you subtly communicate that she's winning you over, tapping into her desire to chase high-value men.

Flip the script by becoming the screener, and let her qualify herself to fit your standards. For instance, ask her about her adventurousness or playfully question if she's a stalker, signaling that you have standards and past experiences.

By implementing these strategies, you'll set yourself apart from the majority of other guys and build stronger attraction with women.

Best of luck!