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Hey Brother,

Many guys think that lack of discipline is the reason for managing bad habits. They believe they're weak, which leads to wasting time on things like porn, video games, scrolling, drugs, not making money, not talking to women, and being overweight.

But the truth is, if I took some of these guys and put them into an ACTIVE war zone or famine...

99% of them would stop wasting time and focus on survival.

They would discover they have HUGE amounts of willpower to endure tough situations. To SURVIVE.

They WOULD stay awake for 2 days straight and trek across the wilderness without food to reach safety. Many would even do this despite being injured.

For those of you with children, you know you'd do anything to keep them safe.

Yes, even YOU—the person struggling with impulses now.

So you're not weak. You have the will to LIVE. You can handle tough challenges—much harder than sitting at a computer, working, or talking to a girl.

The problem is that YOU STRUGGLE TO SEE how wasting time now affects your future success.

Most guys will only take action when their survival or the safety of their loved ones is at stake.

The problem is, in the "Era of Abundance," this hardly ever happens.

The closest guys get to life-or-death situations is having to finish a term paper or get to work on time despite traffic.

They only focus when there are immediate consequences to their actions.

Some of this is an intelligence issue. Some people can't think ahead. You could explain how it would affect them, but they wouldn't understand.

But if you're reading this, that's NOT you.

Your issue isn't intelligence. It's that you're ANXIOUS. And anxious people only act when they're about to face consequences.

They react to fear, not joy. They avoid bad outcomes rather than pursuing good ones.

So when there's no immediate threat, they waste time.

Because they can't focus their energy intentionally, it looks for a way out.

Some people use this by causing themselves pain or withholding rewards if they don't achieve what they want. They use their competitive nature to create a sense of losing, either against a real opponent or themselves.

These methods can work for some. They make you focus on daily actions and give a broader perspective. Competitive guys often achieve great things by "beating" themselves every day.

But they also keep activating the fear response. This can overwhelm guys who are already very self-critical.

These guys might be better off speeding up their progress and becoming the best version of themselves. This reduces anxiety because you realize you already are this person; you don't need to fight against him, you just need to act like him. You see your ideal self as your destiny, not your competition.

You can mix and match these approaches as it suits you. One isn’t better than the other; they work based on your own energy.

But they both focus on becoming your best self.

That's why VISUALIZATION is the key to growth, NOT just "strength."

Strength comes naturally when you have a clear vision, because that vision pushes you. If you feel something is essential deep down, all your energy will work to achieve it.

I was able to hike 80 miles in the mountains without food because I was confident I could do it. My vision was clear, so my body gave me the strength.

But when you lack that clear purpose, you'll struggle to succeed. Willpower alone won't cut it.

So if you're struggling with women right now, think about this carefully.

It's not that you're too "weak" to step out of your comfort zone.

You just don't want it enough yet. Your vision isn't clear; it's fuzzy.

And the harsh truth is, you won't get the results you want until this changes.

I've seen guys waste over a decade failing to get any results with women, then wake up one day and decide enough is enough.

These guys transform rapidly once they make that choice.

And do you know why?

Cause they decided to work with me.

Not because I make them want to get women. Because I show them *how* to get them.

If you're ready to "get them" too, my Masterclass offers all the guidance needed to change your life and make this possible.