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Hey Brother,

Imagine this...

You're about to ruin your relationship with the girl of your dreams.

You've listened to all the advice telling you to open up and be vulnerable with her.

You think it's a good idea.

"Surely this many people couldn’t be wrong."

And so you do the unthinkable... You break down in front of her.

"Life is so hard, and I'm so stressed..."

What happens next?

She comforts you.

"They were right all along. All you have to do is be vulnerable, and she’ll like you even more and..."

"Wait, honey, where are you going?"

Coincidentally, she wants to go on a girls' night out now!

Your relationship becomes depolarized...

So many relationships end this way.

A masculine man fixes his problems himself.

Of course, a good woman will support him.

But he will not burden his girl with his emotions.

Let’s be real,

You've probably done this before if you've been in a relationship.

I mean, why not?

EVERYONE tells you to do it.

To treat your woman like your buddy

And to burden her with your troubles.

Want to know the unfiltered facts about what will happen?

You’ll open up in front of her, and you’ll feel great.

In fact, she’ll even hold you and comfort you.

But guess what?

She will start to have sex with you less.

She’ll enjoy it less.

And when it gets extreme? She’ll start thinking of another man...

Gut-wrenching, isn't it?

This happens because a feminine woman needs a masculine man.

By opening up,

You discard your masculinity, and she needs to replace it.

In every little interaction, you will be more feminine, and she will be more dominant.

Yes, even in the bedroom.

She’ll even start to disobey you.

No one talks about this...

Let me tell you something deeply controversial...

But just hear me out.

You should bottle up your emotions in front of women.

Now before you dismiss this,

let me present my argument:

I believe you should open up to your male best friends.

And I’m not talking about some jerk who smacks the back of your head.

I mean a close male friend you can really open up to.

You need a friend like this, and if you don’t have one, you can develop that.

This is the person you can open up to...

This is your brother in arms who can help you overcome your problems.

Your girl is not your brother or your mother.

All she can do is pat you on the head and comfort you, before losing interest in sex.

Your boy will help you devise a plan to fix it.

To tell you the truth... a feminine woman can only be totally attracted to and in love with:

A man who displays perfect masculinity.

When you cry and show weakness to her, you are destroying this.

A one-off tear won’t do much damage, but if you do this consistently, acting weak, asking for hugs, and crying?

She will lose respect for you.

This is seen as [redacted] advice.

But the real [redacted] is the one that will ruin your healthy relationship.

If you disagree, just ask any guy who’s done this. You can even check Reddit.

Conveniently, a couple of months later, these relationships are in shambles.


This is not telling you not to speak about your problems.

This is telling you to choose a different person to be emotional in front of – like a male friend who's like your brother.

Your woman subconsciously does not want to hear your problems.

Your woman thinks highly of you.

Why would you ruin that for her?

Repeat after me:

"My woman is not my therapist."

I care for you, brother,

And genuinely want what's best for you.

You might have to read through this a few times to really understand how this works.

Take care.