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Hey Brother,

A common type of "viral" tweet you often see in the manosphere talks about what kind of woman you should marry.

These tweets usually list the same traits: Dresses femininely. Cooks. Keeps the house tidy. Low number of past partners. Good values. Submissive. Traditional. And so on.

There's nothing wrong with these traits, of course. It's also helpful to have a clear list for guys who don't know where to start when looking for a quality woman.

Yet, I also find these lists boring—not just because they're unoriginal and repetitive—but because they are "safe" platitudes with limited real-world use. I've worked with enough guys to know that while the women they end up with are attractive and have high integrity, they are often less predictable in their behavior and have more personality.

The reason for this is that above-average IQ men aren't satisfied with just a "good girl who does traditional things." Role-oriented women are boring to such men; they are seen as ideal simply because guys are tired of dealing with broken and brainwashed women they encounter today.

Which is why I’d encourage these men to think beyond the “trad housewife” idea. Sure, it is nice to have a woman who cooks, cleans, and cares for the kids, but these are just “jobs” and don't guarantee satisfaction with a woman.

The true role of a woman for a man is to be his muse.

To inspire him, challenge him, excite him, support him, and motivate him…

To create EMOTION within him that drives him FORWARD.

Beyond this, what a woman can or cannot do is less important. Cooks, maids, and nannies can all be hired. If you have a muse, your creative output will be so great that money should not be an issue.

But what makes a woman a muse?

Aside from being beautiful, she must also be free-spirited.

This is an art lost on most modern women, as it requires a genuine—not superficial—connection with their femininity. It means rejecting the "rat race" and herd mentality that many modern women have adopted.

But fundamentally, it means the woman will not be put in a cage. Whether she is easy-going or feisty, there must be an element of her that cannot be tamed.

This doesn't mean she can't surrender, nor does it mean she is difficult or flighty.

A muse can be very loyal. The point is that her surrender to you is not automatic. You must earn her heart to receive her light.

I know phrases like “earning her heart” or hearing about “women who will not be put in a cage” might upset some guys in the manosphere. It seems too close to feminist ideas about “independent women” who “do what they want” (blah blah blah).

But the real problem with feminists isn’t just their support for women, but that they often don’t live up to their own ideals.

They are INSECURE women who try to diminish men's strength to cover up their own feelings of inadequacy. They are unwilling to surrender because they are AFRAID, not because they are strong. And they struggle to be strong because they reject the very thing that would make them it: their femininity.

A woman can't truly be confident if she lacks femininity, just as a man can't be confident without masculinity. It's crucial to each person's identity.

But a woman also can't be confident if she desperately needs a man and gives herself to just anyone.

This is how a woman loses her sparkle, her brightness. It's how she stops being a muse and loses her ability to inspire—gradually becoming draining and needy.

The point I want you to understand is not that a woman shouldn't know how to cook, dress feminine, or be traditional, or anything like that.

It's that you need to look beyond the surface and understand the essence of what makes a woman truly feminine.

There are many women who seem perfect on the outside but will drain you of your energy. And there are women who break all the rules except one:

They bring joy to your life and help you become a better man.

Choose wisely.