New Post

Hey Brother.

Some real talk today?

Don’t listen to the self-improvement gurus online.

It’s okay to relax sometimes.

If you’re always hustling, you might get everything you want but have no one to share it with.

Create memories with your loved ones, friends, women, family, and the world around you.

Now, before you tell me to change my handle to @Manofvelvet, let’s get into today’s topic.

I often talk about how to help women get out of their heads and into their bodies,

But honestly?

Men need to get out of their heads sometimes too.

In this modern age where everything is at your fingertips,

Men have forgotten the simple masculine pleasures of life.

We’re so busy trying to optimize life that we forget to nurture the masculine beast inside us.

Build something with your hands.

Have a sparring session with a friend.

Play a team sport against a common opponent.

Feel the earth under your feet; walk barefoot, trek, or just walk without earphones.

Make raw, animalistic noises.

Spend time alone without any electronic gadgets.

Men are so focused on their looks, clean shoes, and ironed clothes that we’ve lost our masculine edge.

We’ve lost our “gut instinct.”

And yes, women can sense this.

I challenge you to schedule at least one hour every day this week to do one of the above things.

Men are meant to get down and dirty.

Nourish the masculine beast within.

Have a primal week ahead, brother.