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Hey Brother,

I'm not a 6-foot, smooth-talking Chad with a mythical success rate with women. I'm just a regular dude enjoying life, with a decent track record in connecting with women. Here's a recent encounter to illustrate:

While on a road trip, a young woman I meet through my social circle texted me needing help in person, which seemed odd. Playfully, I mentioned a "secret mission" to keep the conversation light and intriguing. When she skeptically asked for details, I suggested discussing it on a drive together. Her response? A blunt rejection, questioning why she would go on a drive with me.

How did I handle it?

Simply, I replied, "don't haha." No fuss, no chase.

Some might say it was a test, but I don't play games with disinterested parties. I'm sharing this because I notice many guys fear rejection, as if their world hinges on a woman's response. But I live with the mindset that my life remains fulfilling regardless. I engage with women not to gain something, but because I enjoy meaningful connections. If she's into it, fantastic! If not, no big deal. I don't waste time on "maybes" or settle for being a texting pal. That's just not my style.

I would rather be brutally rejected than keep beating around the bush with a girl and stay her "texting buddy"

