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Hey Brrr,

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when approaching a beautiful woman?

Do you feel nervous?


Or do you start imagining all the things that could go wrong?

I’m sure you’ve wondered at some point, "How does someone confidently approach beautiful women?"

Here’s exactly what goes through my mind when I first see her:

“Wow, she is beautiful. I wonder what her story is.”

Then I observe her for a few seconds.

I try to figure out if she’s shy, social, and how she’s interacting with the environment.

Does she know people here?

Is she alone or waiting for someone? Is she open to being approached?

Do I always approach? Nope.

If she’s waiting for someone, very busy, or doesn’t seem like my type after a quick observation, I don’t approach her.

Let's say she passes my 30-second vibe test. Here's what I think next:

“I know if I approach her now, we’ll have some amazing experiences. Let’s see if she’s more than just a pretty face.”

How do I usually approach?

I pick up on something I observed about her and build on that:

“Excuse me, hey. I couldn’t help but notice …”

“Hey, I was over there and I saw you making some art… totally random but do you mind if I have a look?”

“I know I’m just a stranger, but is this something you often like to do?”

“Do you come here often?”

From there on, it’s easy. Just be sincere and curious about her.

If the conversation flows, I usually get her Instagram (if she’s social) or her number (if she’s shy) and carry on with my day.

Later that evening, I will text her, referencing a moment we shared, and then set up another meet.

If the conversation doesn’t flow or if at any point things don’t work out, I wish her well and carry on with my life.

Because my life stays the exact same in both cases: amazing.

  • MOS

P.S- The 30 second vibe test makes all the difference between a successful approach and a wrong one.

Unfortunately, most "Soulmate types" never meet because the man doesn't pick up on her signals of Attraction.

Inside the “Men who get women” I show you EXACTLY how to Approach, Spark Attraction, Move the conversation towards s*x, and then invite her home.

And that's just a few of the guides inside.