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Hey G,

This is the strategy that has brought me the MOST success in picking up women.

It's called THE RAMROD method.

The key?

You must assume attraction.

The setting has to be at night, usually at a bar.

This works best when there's high interest and a little nudge in the right direction with warm and above average attraction.

Downside => it may come off as uncalibrated to the women who aren’t into you.

Upside => it can fast track the pull and create a love-at-first-sight narrative.

THE RAMROD METHOD (take notes):

1) Approach with confidence.

2) You will get tested because they think you’re putting on an act => they can't believe you have that much confidence.

3) Double down on their tests.


Her: “Who do you think you are?”

Me: “The guy your mom warned you about.”

Her: “Does that work with every girl?”

Me: “Ask me that tomorrow morning.”

4) Arrogance/Irrational Confidence is your best friend.

You cannot be shaken and you show that your previous interactions have all been positive by keeping your self-belief strong.

5) Be physically bold.

Once you see her let her guard down (positive body language), get closer to her. See her reaction.

She must not back away.

Say: “I gotta tell you a secret.” Move closer to her ear. See if she leans in or if she’s a bit reluctant.

If she leans in, when you are about to say something, slap her ass.

Then say, “You’re soft,” and smile/smirk. She will be shocked with a “how dare you” face.

(That’s gotten me a few smacks in the past, not gonna lie.)

“See, you already love me.”

Keep eye contact and intensity in the interaction.

7) Move her to a different place out of the original spot to test her compliance.

8) If she agrees, great. Have one drink each to balance it out with a bit of comfort.

It’s only after step 8 that your actual chance of closing the deal increases dramatically.

Once she’s happy to move away from her friends, half of the battle is won.

9) Close on the next opportunity when you get close to her.

10) Then you say you’re leaving and tell her to come. If she asks “where,” just say “mine,” no further explanation. Take her hand and lead her out.

She was likely with a friend (focus on groups of 2-3 girls) - don’t forget to be chill with them before the isolation.

“I gotta speak to my friends” BS will happen often, so you accompany her there.

Then it will be the typical “are you sure?” or “you call me.”

To you: “You take care of her.”

Blah blah blah.

Call a cab during the friends interaction to show you are leaving regardless while staying close enough to hear what they say.

And there you go. Same night lay.

Let me know how this works for you.
