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Hey Brother,

When I was young and unsure of myself but full of hormones, I craved both women and the validation they provided.

My perception of women was greatly shaped by the positive relationship I had with my mother.

Unfortunately, things didn't turn out as smoothly as I hoped! šŸ˜‚

That's when I discovered PUAs and Game, and started to see some changes in my dating life.

Just remember, be careful what you wish for.

ā€œTeaching PUA shills to these chumps is like giving dynamite to childrenā€ ā€“ Ross Jeffries

And when everything fell apart (a story for another time)...

The Red Pill was the solution I turned to. It addressed many of the questions I had.

I went through the Red Pill Rage phase, as is common.

While PUA teaches to embrace women's erratic behavior, sometimes even cheering it on with "It's amazing bro, she's giving you shit-tests,"

The Red Pill, although not originally intended for this, can foster bitterness, especially if your previous worldview was completely different.

Unlearning can take time, just like learning Game. Guys often swing from one extreme to the other.

This negativity will affect how you interact with girls, bringing negative energy and personality.

If you're experiencing Red Pill Rage, accept it as part of the process, like grieving.

"It is what it is."

But even after acceptance, one of the most harmful aspects is that it can lower your self-worth to the point where you feel like just another particle in the world, valued only by external factors like:

- Money

- Status

- Looks

It takes away the unique "you" that everyone has, your personal characteristics that make you stand out.

With Game, you have to feel entitled, adopting a "fake it till you make it" mentality.

If you find success, it might inflate your ego because you learned game to compensate for something. If you were naturally good with women, you wouldn't have needed it.

This is where the Red Pill comes in to balance things out. But I gave too much weight to the Red Pill in my mind, focusing too much on what it taught.

I became less effective with women and always assumed the worst about them, judging their value.

While PUA embraced them too much, reinforcing their bad behavior, my interpretation of the Red Pill saw them as materialistic and attention-seeking, overshadowing the positive feminine energy I once enjoyed from them.

I noticed I was receiving negative energy from women because I was also full of negative energy myself; they can feed off your energy.

In Game, you start by faking it but learn key skills that eventually become natural to you. You become more attractive through your personality, making it your default state.

What the Red Pill did to me was actually unlearn these skills, making my default state negative under the belief that I was ignoring female nature otherwise.

In relationships, you can't always be the stoic alpha. You need to show a softer side in moderation, something playful but not whiny, that she can connect with (Game). You can't always be on the defensive (Red Pill).

It's all about finding balance, whether in Game where you're not the hottest thing just because she slept with you (the real question is, at what cost?), or in the Red Pill where they can't see anything in you beyond external value props, not the real you as an individual.

The issue with many guys is that we tend to swing from one extreme to the other.

Don't do that.

See u tomorrow.