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Yo Brrr,

Before I tell you about "The Rake Of The Riviera"...

...and how he developed a Sexual Market Value that allowed him to date models, actresses, and beautiful women the world over...

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Lets begin…

This is the story of Gianni Agnelli and how according to his best friend, his style “elicited respect from the business world and aroused interest from women everywhere…”

Gianni Agnelli, an Italian industrialist and the head of Fiat…

Agnelli wielded significant influence, controlling 4.4% of Italy's GDP and 3.1% of the country's industrial workforce.

This immense power brought him wealth, but it was his unparalleled fashion sense that truly captured the attention of women.

Agnelli's style was the epitome of excellence and became globally iconic.

He embodied "sprezzatura," an Italian concept that means making the difficult look easy.

One of his signature moves was wearing his watch over his shirt cuff, a seemingly spontaneous but meticulously calculated touch.

This unique flair is a great example of how developing your own signature style can captivate women.

Agnelli's wardrobe consisted of well-tailored suits and distinctive personal touches, which, combined with his confidence, made him irresistible to women.

His friend, an executive at Ferrari, recounted that before his marriage in 1953, Agnelli dated numerous actresses, models, and even princesses.

Although he became more discreet after marrying, his stylish ways remained unchanged.

Esquire magazine recognized Agnelli as one of the five best-dressed men in history.

His transformation in style was more than just a change in appearance; it led to a shift in his personality.

Agnelli's effortless charm and charisma, driven by his impeccable style, made him a magnetic figure.

His reputation extended to yacht racing, earning him the nickname "The Rake of the Riviera," and even inspired the classical menswear magazine "The Rake."

Agnelli also served as the inspiration for one of Robert Greene's nine seductive personality types in "The Art of Seduction."

Greene's concept of "The Rake" describes someone who can seduce many women by carefully crafting his image while making it seem effortless.

However, Greene does not provide practical steps to achieve this allure.

The crux of Agnelli's appeal was his carefully crafted fashion and image, which appeared effortless.

This intrigued women, sparking their curiosity and making them eager to learn more about him.

With a well-honed style, women viewed him as a charismatic figure with hidden depths.

When your style is authentic to who you are, you can naturally become known as an attractive, high-status individual, much like Gianni Agnelli.

So consider this quote from Giani Agnelli himself:

"There are men who talk of women and others who talk TO them. I don't talk of them. I prefer talking to them."

- Giani Agnelli

It's EASY to be one of those dudes who talks about women in the locker room (or on YouTube) but has ZERO experience talking TO them

And right now you have the opportunity to be the guy who hears other men talking about women... and just smiles to himself shaking his head

Because you know how to talk TO them...

Then instantly turn it into a date, hookup, relationship, or whatever you want

This is even easier for you when you have a high-status image - that ignites the curiosity of the type of girls who are "a league above"

Just like Agnelli did

So which kind of guy are you going to be?

More about this HERE

See you on the other side.