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Hey Brother,

Many focus on "daygame" or "nightgame" for quick flings, but there's something even more potent: crafting a genuine Social Circle and assuming its leadership.

A social circle isn't merely befriending everyone; it's about fostering valuable connections that facilitate desired outcomes.

Imagine being a known figure in your city, invited to exclusive events, and surrounded by attractive people. This beats spending hours daygaming at the mall.

Building a social circle offers a top-down approach; skipping club lines because of connections exemplifies this.

It's essential to complement game skills with a quality social circle, especially if you plan to stay in a city long-term.

Women are drawn to men desired by others and respected by peers. Masculine energy attracts feminine energy, making a man with multiple admirers irresistible.

Even brief stays in a city can yield valuable connections for future visits.

Gyms are excellent places to meet like-minded individuals; many of my close friends and business partners were met there.

A robust social circle not only enhances your social life but also opens doors in business and career.

With a great circle, hosting weekly parties or commanding VIP tables becomes effortless.

The abundance of options and social proof make rejection nearly impossible.

If you're serious about transforming your dating life, THEN you should get my book “Men who get women”

Let's make it happen

All the best,