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Hey Brother,

In Viktor Frankl's book "Man's Search for Meaning," he tells a story about a man with a stutter who suddenly lost it when pressured to speak.

This unexpected change later became a key part of Frankl's therapy approach.

Similarly, many men struggle with approaching women because they fear messing up and making a bad impression.

This fear often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When they finally get in front of the girl, they freeze because they're unsure of what to say or do.

For some guys struggling with talking to women, it might help to take a page from Viktor Frankl's approach.

Instead of focusing on impressing or attracting her, try the opposite: aim for rejection. Be silly, bold, and break social rules.

You might find that your anxiety around women lessens, and women's reactions to you improve.

This method has proven effective, not just from observing others but from my own experiences as well.

Back in college, Me and my friends worked tirelessly to put together a drama show. We poured their hearts into rehearsals, perfecting every scene and line. But as the big day approached, they faced a problem: how to get people, especially girls, to come and watch our show.

Feeling anxious about attracting an audience, we remembered the lessons of Viktor Frankl. Instead of desperately trying to impress everyone, we decided to try something different. We gathered and brainstormed creative ideas.

First, we decided to create buzz by staging mini-scenes in unexpected places around campus.

We acted out humorous skits in the cafeteria during lunchtime and even performed impromptu monologues in the library. Passersby couldn't help but stop and watch, intrigued by the spontaneous performances.

But we didn't stop there. They took a bold approach by challenging stereotypes and social norms.

They plastered posters around campus with bold statements like, "Come see our show if you dare!" and "Warning: may cause uncontrollable laughter!" These unconventional tactics caught people's attention and sparked conversations.

As the day of the show drew nearer, we noticed a shift. More and more girls began talking about our drama performance, curious about what all the fuss was about.

Some even approached us intrigued by our unconventional advertising methods.

Finally, the day of the show arrived, and to their delight, the auditorium was packed with eager audience members, including many girls. Our offbeat tactics had paid off, and was rewarded with laughter, applause, and a quite a number of girls at our side.

In the end, we learned that sometimes, thinking outside the box and embracing a little bit of risk can lead to unexpected success.

And as we took their final bows on stage, we couldn't help but smile, knowing we had conquered our fears and achieved their goal with creativity and determination even though we were scared initially of trying it out.

We went from maybe 50 attendees per show to over 500 over the course of a year.

Let me share something important, not just about the success of our approach, but how it changed us.

It wasn't just about putting up posters or performing in public spaces. It was about how it made us feel.

Approaching pretty girls became less scary and even fun when we intentionally acted absurd, without trying to impress them. We didn't expect them to say yes, so there was less pressure on both sides.

Surprisingly, this relaxed atmosphere led to positive reactions from both us and the girls.

If you're finding it hard to approach women, give it a try. And if you're interested in more strategies and mindsets for meeting and attracting women, there's a whole section in the Masterclass dedicated to this.

Until next time,