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Hey Bruv,

Women do not like men they can easily control, at least not for dating purposes anyway.

Much in dating is counterintuitive.

We think we understand how things should work and perhaps grow up believing things should function in a certain way.

It is only after suffering the hard knocks of experience for many years and reaching early adulthood that we realize the reality of life differs significantly from what is advertised.

You would think a woman would like to be in a relationship with a man she can boss around, someone she can tell what to do.

Because, after all, human beings generally want to get their way, men and women alike.

So why wouldn't a woman want to be with a guy she can shove around?

Superficially, some women might claim they do want to be with such a man.

But in 99.9% of cases, this is simply not true.

Women are looking for a guy who is dominant, who can hold his own not just with her, but in the wider world.

A man who can bend events to his will, who is strong enough to fend off invaders to protect her and provide for any future potential offspring she might have.

If she, a mere woman who is probably considerably less physically able than him, can control him even mentally, then what does that say about his progress as far as the rest of humanity is concerned?

Not much.

This is why we so frequently see women giving men "shit tests" or, more politely, competency tests.

A woman will test a man to try to figure out if he is competent or not, that is, if he is the right person to protect her against the vicissitudes of life in the world.

If he falls short, then it is very likely that at some point she will either dump him, cheat on him, or cause the relationship to end in some other way.

Once again, this is counterintuitive.

It goes against how we think things should work.

Surely just being nice and appeasing the woman you're with, telling her what she wants to hear, and doing all the right things should be enough?

But it isn't because there are two levels to reality: what is happening on the surface and what is happening at the level of subtext.

On the level of subtext, women are looking for a man who is dominant over them.

In most cases, women are looking for a guy who is on his path, on his mission, and will bow to no one, her included.

If she is able to control him, if she is able to push him around too much, then she will lose interest because, firstly, he doesn't have what it takes to be her man, and secondly, his mystery will dissipate within hours or weeks of her meeting him.

Women want a guy who has something about him that she can't quite work out.

If you give away the farm on the first date or in the first few weeks or months, or even years, then you are on a losing streak and likely to end up alone at some point.

The easily controllable man is a man who is not going to get his way in the world.

And what woman would want to tether her horse to such a man?

Women, remember, want the best male to mate with, and there is always that nagging doubt in the back of her mind that she hasn't chosen the best possible male for her.

Therefore, as a guy, it is your job to reassure her at every turn that you are indeed the right guy.

You don't do this logically by telling her; you do it by showing her, through your actions, through the way you interact with her and with the rest of the world.

And that means having certain boundaries and principles and sticking to them, not wavering from them.

The man who wavers, who flip-flops, who can't make his mind up, who's indecisive, who doesn't know what he's about - that man will get vanquished very quickly on the battlefield of life, and no woman wants to be with him because each woman wants a man who's going to protect her and her offspring over the long term, or at least over the medium term.

The dude who's going to fall down at the first post is not the man for her.

Therefore, whenever you get into any kind of relationship with a woman, you must be mindful of this dynamic.

And you must ensure that your behavior demonstrates at all times that you're an independent thinker, that you will not falter to pressure from her or from anyone else.

You need to retain your self-sovereignty; you need to retain your mastery over yourself.

You must remain all-powerful in your vision, and you must walk towards that vision every day without fail, without deviation because somebody or something gets in the way.

It is only by consistency and steadfastly adhering to one's personal plan that one has any hope of not only succeeding in life but, to be brutal, of finding love.

Because love is always contingent; love is never unconditional. Love is always present only as long as the man is a man.

And the thing that defines a man is unwavering steadfastness and adherence to principle and truth.

Cheers 🥂