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Hey Brother,

One of the simplest ways to spot inexperienced individuals in the dating scene is by observing their fixation on pursuing 9s and 10s as their ultimate goal with women.

At first, this might seem counterintuitive. However, there are a few reasons behind this behavior.

Firstly, the intense desire to pursue the "hottest" girls is rarely about having genuinely high standards. Instead, it often stems from a need for validation. These individuals seek validation through the pursuit of attractive partners, as it boosts their self-esteem. This desire is particularly prevalent among those who have struggled with dating in the past, as they believe that obtaining beautiful partners will validate their worth.

Another clear indicator of insecurity is when a man feels compelled to flaunt the attractive women he dates. This behavior stems from a need for validation and a desire to impress others, highlighting underlying insecurities.

Additionally, pursuing very attractive women often exposes men to more tests and drama, as these women are sought after by elite men. This heightened competition amplifies the challenges of maintaining a relationship with such individuals, leading many men to avoid the hassle altogether.

However, while this may deter some men, it's important to note that with a solid foundation in life and understanding of women, these challenges can be navigated effectively. Ultimately, women are more likely to leave men who neglect or mistreat them, or who lack self-confidence.

The allure of the hottest women is often overrated because, despite their physical attractiveness, they typically offer very little beyond their looks.

This is largely due to the fact that women who are considered elite in terms of their appearance often rely heavily on their looks for validation and attention. As a result, they may neglect to develop other aspects of themselves, such as their personality, conversational skills, or talents.

In many cases, these women may lack depth and become passive individuals who expect men to cater to their needs without offering much in return. They may not even prioritize developing skills or proficiency in the bedroom.

Ultimately, their dependency on their looks can lead to a lack of substance and contribute to a one-dimensional persona that fails to engage on a deeper level.

Frequently, these exceptionally attractive women may lack proficiency in the bedroom and rely on their looks to garner attention and entitlement from men.

Their physical beauty often shields them from disappointment in this regard, as their allure tends to overshadow any deficiencies in other areas.

However, beneath the surface, many of these women likely possess more depth than meets the eye. By targeting and nurturing their underdeveloped sense of self, you can distinguish yourself from others who only view them as objects.

Nevertheless, pursuing the hottest women requires navigating through their sense of entitlement, which can present challenges.

The key takeaway here is not to dissuade you from pursuing attractive women but to encourage you to consider other important qualities beyond physical appearance.

While physical attraction is essential, traits such as intelligence, values, femininity, sexual compatibility, and personality should also be prioritized in long-term relationships.

Ultimately, focusing solely on physical beauty overlooks the potential for deeper connections and compatibility with partners who possess a combination of attractive qualities.

Until next time