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Hey Bro,

Let's talk about closing...

Let's say you are at the club, approached a girl and having a conversation with her so how do u go about closing.


"Logistics trump Game every time."

You have to figure out her logistics. What does she got going on? So essentially we got a couple of questions that we need to know about this girl.

Questions like:

- Who are you here with?

- Where do you live?

- What are you doing later tonight / morning?

Don't wait until the club closes before figuring this shit out. Start asking these questions 5-10 minutes into the interaction.

Why is this important?

Cause most guys never bother to figure this shit out. This is a mistake I made as a newbie, I will just be vibing and building attraction the whole night with a bit of make out and dancing until 2am when her friend will grab her from me say "hey girl, we are going home now."

It sucks, hence why you should figure out her logistics and then determining whether or not this girl can be pulled that night.

Okay, the next thing once you have figured out the logistics and we are still 5-10 minutes into the interaction is to...


Seeding is planting the idea in her mind of us doing something outside of the venue after the club closes.

So how do you do that?

Just throw in a bunch of different topics at the girl to see what resonates with her.

You want to get a feel for what she is into? What does she like to do? What activities that you both like to do that you can both do later after the venue closes or before then?

Topics I throw at the girl when I'm trying to seed the pull:

- Hookah / Smoke

- Wine

- Drinks

- Vibe to music

- Rooftop / Balcony

- Puppy

- Food

- Playing pool

- Jacuzzi


All these topic ideas can be used as a means of pulling the girl. By using one of these topics to pull the girl, it provides some kind of plausible deniability as to why you guys are hanging out.

She knows she wants to keep seeing you but she doesn't want to feel a judgement on her or feel like slut.

And if you say "hey, you want to go back to my place?" it's like being too direct about you both having sex. Instead we focus on inviting her to an after party.

So something you should know is EXPECT OBJECTION. Once you have seeded the pull then expect some objection from her saying why she can't come to your place.

It's very rare that the girl is gonna be like enthusiastic about going to do that activity with you whether it's the after party, smoke hookah etc. Most of the times she will be like "I don't know."

Examples of typical objections:

- "I don't know, I'm here with my friends."

- "I'm down but you know...I can't just leave my friend."

- "I don't know, we uber-ed here so we don't really have a way to get there."

Be ready for the girl to give you some form of objection.

This is important part to understand cause by seeding the pull and by going for the pull, you are forcing the girl to show her cards which is good cause you need to know her objection in order to solve it.

This is something guys are not understanding, if you are going to pull this girl then you need to solve her objection problem and if you can't solve the problem then you are not getting anything for the night.

Every time I have ever closed was as a result of being man enough to solve her logistics problem.

After seeding the pull, the next thing is to...


You should lead to close her. You are not leaving it up to the girl and be like "hey are you sure, you want to come?" cause then you don't show confidence in yourself which will turn her off.

You have to lead in a confident, flirtatious and reassuring way.

It needs to be on you as the man to lead in a playful fun way that dies make her feel like a slut and doesn't make her feel judged. SO LEAD HER TO YOUR PLACE AND THEN CLOSE HER.

Until next time