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Yo G,

90% of success in dating comes from knowing what not to do.

Avoiding the mistakes made by average guys, beta males, and those who lack awareness is crucial.

For instance, always have a plan for a date - many guys show up without one, which sets you apart immediately.

One key factor is knowing what topics to avoid discussing.

Never delve into your job, regardless of how impressive it may seem (even if you're an astronaut or a doctor).

Most women aren't interested and find it boring.

Similarly, discussing your ex is off-limits.

Whether you're newly divorced or separated, keep it simple and positive.

State that you grew apart amicably and wish them well.

Avoid getting dragged into political discussions.

A woman's political beliefs can change subtly based on her partner's views over time.

It's a test, and you should steer clear, change the subject, and keep the conversation light and enjoyable.

Religion is another potential minefield that's best avoided for similar reasons - it rarely leads to positive outcomes.

On a first date, stick to safe and neutral topics like the weather.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you'll naturally focus on more engaging and enjoyable aspects of conversation, making the date more successful.

🥂 ðŸ¥‚

Since I'm blabbing about dates then you should also get "What women want".

There is a section on what to do on dates to get her to go home with you.

See you on the other side,