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Hey Badass,

Let's tackle the issue of navigating interactions with women and understanding genuine desire.

Firstly, it's crucial to acknowledge a simple truth: if a woman genuinely desires you, she won't play games or send mixed signals. It's not about being Brad Pitt, but rather about embodying genuine desire.

Consider this as a reality check to prevent over-pursuing someone who may not reciprocate your feelings.

If a woman truly desires you, she won't need reminders for dates or be too busy to meet you. She'll prioritize spending time with you, even if it means sacrificing other commitments.

Some argue that women have lives too, but the reality is, genuine desire transcends external circumstances. If she truly desires you, she'll make time for you regardless.

Typically, men often make themselves overly available, which is unattractive. Women are attracted to a challenge and want to earn the attention of someone they perceive as having a higher sexual market value (SMV).

Every action and word you express should convey your higher SMV. Effortlessly confident presence is more appealing than flashy gestures or expensive dates, which can come off as trying to buy her attention.

Becoming the alpha in her eyes doesn't mean being Brad Pitt, but rather being secure in your masculinity and value.

Avoid falling into the trap of being the beta provider who tries to buy her affection. Instead, be the man who effortlessly ignites her emotions and maintains his own independence.

Sometimes, genuine circumstances may arise causing a woman to cancel plans. In such cases, it's okay to let her come to you and not immediately reschedule. Allow her to pursue you, like a cat drawn to attention when you're not actively seeking it.

Remember, not every woman will genuinely desire you, and that's okay. Recognizing this can prevent you from investing too much in someone who may only be seeking free attention or dinners.

By embodying genuine desire and understanding sexual dynamics, you can navigate interactions with women more effectively and avoid unnecessary frustrations.

If you found value in this and would like to take things to the next level then you should get my book 👉 “WHAT WOMEN WANT”

Warm regards,