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Hey Brother,

Man, yesterday was kinda of hilarious and funny for me.

You see, an acquaintance of mine came visiting. He was your typical "make money, women will come" kinda of guy.

We had fun playing Call Of Duty, FIFA etc so I told him I wanted to go for my daily approach sessions.

He made fun of me saying things like "why bother doing that when there are dating apps?"

I told him that sure I could hit the apps but the quality of women that you approach is way higher than the women you meet on Tinder etc.

So he went on to blabber about how cold approach is dead and I should stop wasting my time with it so I told him that if he could get 1 girl's number during my approach session that I will quit cold approach.

He was reluctant at first but see, he is a very competitive guy so I took advantage of that.

He agreed and we hit the street.

Tbh I was kinda not feeling like approaching so it took me a while to warm up to approach anyone. He teased me about it so I told him to approach someone first.

He did and got a blow out (rejected). At first I wanted to laugh but then I remembered it wasn't something he was used to besides the fact he got the balls to approach first before me (that have been doing this for 7 years) gotta give him that one.

So I approached the first girl I saw and talked to her - got the number and bounced.

By the time, I was in my 5th approach, my buddy already had been rejected 3 times and wanted to head home for the day.

Normally I wanted to rub it in his face that I got 4/6 girl's number but then it wasn't worth it. I thought "what was the point of knowing what I knew if I can't help a brother in need."

So I asked him about his approach convo and since i had the chance of watching his body language during his approach...

Here what he did wrong:

=> He approached girls from the back instead of by the side.

Watch out for this cause how will you feel if you're walking, someone just appears from your back and start talking to you?

You'll definitely be startled and probably look to get out of such situation. Moreso especially for women so AVOID DOING THIS!

=> Standing like a feet from her face.

Keep a safe distance from the girl you approach so you don't creep her out preferably 5 feets away.

=> Don't lean in

This is hard to watch out for except someone else points it to you but don't lean in, lean out.

Leaning in conveys neediness which is a huge turnoff.

These three are key, there are also other mistakes he made but this email would become too long but the most important mistake was...


When he approached a girl, he would just introduce himself and start asking questions about the girl which as you know will make the convo boring.

But the most important thing was "he didn't answering why he approached her."

You see when you approach a girl, she doesn't know what you stopped her for. It could be for a number of reasons:

=> You are homeless (depends on the way you dress tho 😂)

=> You want something (what you want is ambiguous to her)

=> You want to sell her drugs.

=> You're a thief

=> You find her attractive (this is what you want to convey)


But if you don't let her know your intentions then how do you expect her to react besides thinking you're a creep?

That's why I believe openers convey that:

"Hey, I am meeting interesting people today. I find you interesting! What's your name?"

This convey interest cause you are showing intent that you want to get to know her in a not so platonic way.

So showing intent is not just communicated verbally but also through body language.

Hence we say during high points (time when she is laughing to your jokes etc) that you should touch her cause it lets her know you find her attractive.

So I told my buddy to start showing intent in his approach.

He did it with the next girl he approached, got blow out (rejected) and then he tried with another...

He didn't just get her number (according to him, she was pushing for them to go on an insta date) he declined but I got him to set a date for Wednesday so it's all good.

Now you see the power of intent when approaching girls.

If you don't show intent then she will think you're not confident in yourself.

Now there is a drawback: communicating intent doesn't mean you won't get rejected but the girls that you do hit it up with will really be into you cause showing intent is bold and masculine.

Obviously, you shouldn't communicate intent in a needy way or you will get rejected.

But making that minor tweaks to your Game will change the results for you.

Just wanted to share this to you, brother.

Have a good day!