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Hey Brother,

One of the typical causes of frustration and bewilderment among men is when a woman comes on strong and flirts heavily but then disappears when a man decides to follow up on such interest by asking her out.

I can't emphasize enough how many guys are perplexed by this, especially newbies to the dating scene. They presume that because she seemed so interested, she would eagerly seize the chance to go out. Yet, instead, she seems to quickly distance herself from him.

Assuming there's no external factor like her having a boyfriend or encountering an ex, women typically do this for two main reasons.

Firstly, being overly aggressive is seen as "unfeminine." Women enjoy being pursued, so when a woman actively seeks your attention, she may initially appreciate it, but afterward, she may feel a sense of "being too easy". She might even question if you genuinely like her. As a result, she starts playing hard to get to offset the strong approach she made earlier.

Secondly, and more importantly, these women were never genuinely seeking a connection with you. Their primary objective was to gain your ATTENTION.

This occurs because attention serves as validation for women. If a girl isn't feeling good about herself or has general intimacy issues (though it's often redundant), her focus with guys tends to revolve around playing games to capture their attention rather than forming a genuine connection. Men who are needy and less self-assured are particularly susceptible to being entangled by these women because they find validation in the woman's apparent "interest," prompting them to continue pursuing her for that validation.

But to be honest, that's not the main topic I wanted to discuss today. I just used this as a way to pique your interest.

What I really want to discuss is the phenomenon of MEN EXHIBITING SIMILAR BEHAVIORS.

This is frequently observed in guys who are new to the "pick-up" scene and are actively pursuing women. They engage in approaches and collect phone numbers.

However, surprisingly, many of these guys either fail to follow up on the numbers altogether or do so in a manner that significantly diminishes their chances of success.

It's essentially self-sabotage. Yet, for these men, the mere fact that a woman responded positively, flirted back, or provided her number already satisfies their need for "woman's interest." Once they receive that initial investment from a woman, they tend to withdraw because they feel they've achieved their goal. It's a behavior often associated with femininity, but it's not uncommon among men who are transitioning from a passive approach with women and are just starting to improve.

It's a similar mindset that hinders guys in a more practical sense when it comes to their "game," leading them to "over-impress" the girl. Particularly, those who are witty and funny often fall into this trap, lingering in the initial phase of attraction without progressing to a deeper connection where vulnerability is key.

So, why am I mentioning all of this?

When you're out to meet women, it's crucial to remember WHY you're doing it.

Are you genuinely interested in THEM, or are you simply seeking their attention to boost your own ego?

If it's mainly the latter, you're not only living a superficial life but also likely to have limited success with women. Not only do you appear less authentic as a man, but you're also more likely to attract women who are similarly seeking validation rather than genuine connection and energy exchange.

Until next time