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Hey Brother,

When it comes to leading a woman, a lot of men still find ways to fvck it up and there are two big ones that come to mind so let's dive in:


This was my biggest mistake when I first started learning Game - not being enough of a leader when it came to my interactions with women.

This is a common mistake I see with men is they don't take the LEAD (most are unaware or don't think it is the right move to take).

The first time I ever brought a girl home was cause the girl was so into me, she pulled me from the venue and it was until that experience happened that I realized that I should be going for the PULL way earlier in my interactions. I thought I will keep talking to a girl the entire night until lights out then one thing leads to the other, then we end up at my place.

When the right thing was to move her around way earlier in the interaction and then be the one that goes for the pull.

This realization was profound at the time cause I lost a lot of women as a result of this.

Now when I talk about leading, doesn't mean just only pulling girls over to your place but about making small moves that accumulate as time progresses.

=> Moving the girl within the venue

=> Moving the girl from the street corner to sitting down some place else

These are just examples of small moves you should be making as a leader.

That's the sum part of this mistakes: Men not going for it at all or simply Men not taking the lead in the interaction, seduction etc.

Which leads me to my second point...


A lot of men display lack of certainty or confidence when it comes to leading hence I say going for the lead like a p***y.

They are pushing too much pressure on the girl like asking the girl what they should do in an unconfident way like "Hey do you think it will be cool to go get a drink together?" or "Are you sure you want to come home with me?" or "Will you be interested in exchanging numbers so maybe I can call you if that's ok?"

All of these things are displaying...

- Lack of confidence

- Being a p***y when it comes to leading

- Uncertainty

What are they doing wrong, MOS?

It's simple, they are asking too much of the girl and putting the decision making mantle on her which is bad.

When I say be the leader, I don't mean being overly aggressive in forcing her to accept your decisions (that's too much) but it's simply means asking her to come do something that you highly recommend.

It's like "Hey, we should go get a drink" or "What are you up to right now? *she answers* ok cool, let's go sit down on that bench for a bit" or "Oh, you're headed to work, I'll walk with you for a couple of blocks then I head out to go meet up with my homies."

All of these examples is me suggestively leading the girl, I'm not saying to her "You need to do this 😡" or "Are you sure that you want to do this (like a p***y)" either. I'm in the middle of this two forms of leading.

I'm simply presenting the idea of doing something in a confident and reassuring way while not forcing her to make a decision.

Low-key, girls don't want to have to make decisions cause women are supposed to be emotional not logical.

As long as she feels safe and is having fun around a confident guy like you then she is going to be more inclined to do whatever you suggest.

Theses are the mistakes men make. Keep these in mind when going out to meet women.

Until next time